Frank Molver (30 Dec 2013)
"Joe's prophetic sketch and confirming dreams from Rita site"
There actually was another dream on Rita that was posted the same day as your sketch that was very similar
Now I noticed another even more vivid from 2 who did not think this possible.
It was posted by a moderator that is not known for doing this
I have to agree that the following dream is quite possibly the way the rapture will happen
Personaly I think it may happen within 1-2 years.

From an American friend of mine (TxThom) who preferred to stay a bit more out of the story.

I want to share an odd story that has happened over the weekend with my brother-in-law and my brother. It was odd because they do not really know each other. Both are believers, but my brother is more of a watcher than my brother-in-law. I personally don’t dismiss all dreams, but something really has to stick out to perk me up. This did. As I said, my brother-in-law is a believer but thinks the rapture is some distant event. At least until Friday night. Now let me say he is a man’s man. Tough, iron worker/welder. I went to bed Friday night at 10:00 and my phone rang at 10:15. It was my brother-in-law upset and crying. He has been having dreams the last two weeks and wanted me to pray for him. I never have seen him cry, EVER. I got up and he drove to my house. I went to his truck and he told me what the dreams were about. The government was rounding up people, martial law was in effect and all the chaos that goes with it. In his dreams this went on for about two weeks and then the rapture happens. I prayed for him in his truck and as I was leaving to go back inside he says, {dude}, I think the rapture is very, very close!

Now jump to Sunday and we went to our church’s Christmas party and my brother comes out and says “I have been having nightmares.” He says they were about the 2 weeks leading up to the rapture. Martial law is in effect, and people are being put in camps…. What shocked me was these two guys do not really know each other, my brother-in-law was reduced to tears, he was scared and crying even while I prayed for him in his truck and the third shocker was that two people I am close too had these dreams.

My friend assures me that there was no possibility of a holiday prank in this, and I believe him.

We have been assuming that all martial law dreams were likely regarding Daniel’s 70th week. We may well have been mistaken on that regard. We know that things will get worse up until the moment they suddenly get much, much better for us and much, much worse for the world. Perhaps there’s some crisis resulting in martial laws at least in some areas prior to our departure. As long as the AC isn’t established, I see nothing unscriptural about that. Although I certainly haven’t been expecting any such thing. Similar things have happened in many other countries in the past, or even at present.

What do you all think? I don’t recall hearing of a pair of believers having paired dreams about the same event quite like this before. Rather comes with the two witness seal of approval it seems.