David H (9 Dec 2013)
"Elizabeth message"


In response to your message: http://www.fivedoves.com/letters/dec2013/elizabeth125-1.htm
Part of your message Jumped out at me which I quote below:
 It is GLORIOUS.....a world that none can comprehend.  Beauty without end.  Skies of rainbows.  Peaceful winds and colors magnified.  It is what I have called you to.
I Had a dream March 10th 2012, which had a similar "vision": I copied it from my notes below:
I had a dream Last night, where I was standing in a meadow of flowers. they were beautiful, and in color. then in an instant, I felt a presence, and a different light source. This light source made the colors more brilliant and vivid, in a way that I could only describe as light emanating from a rainbow. even the plants and flowers bloomed again. The whole time, which was a matter of seconds, I felt a peace that I have never felt.
This dream lasted only 2-3 seconds. It was Vivid color, and when I woke I could not forget the image. The Light was not beams of light, but a brightness, much like if you were looking through sunglasses and then removed them, But with utter vividness instead of glare, that occurs when removing sunglasses.
When You say "Beauty without end", these are the flowers blooming again, as if their ability to produce flowers was multiplied by the light.
When You say, "Skies of rainbows", this is the light emanating from a rainbow, which was so bright and vivid I cannot even describe it with words. 
When you say "colors magnified", This was the moment when colors became more brilliant and vivid.
When You say, "peaceful winds", I see this as the peace I felt for those seconds, which is beyond understanding. 
Thank you for that message. I believe that I "saw", what that part of your message is. And it is, and has been a wonderful blessing to me.
God bless
David H.