David H (20 Dec 2013)
"Rowina: Dave Hunt, Catholics"

I copied the following from Dave Hunt's site on catholics and salvation.

 First of all, one would never say that Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, Congregationalists, Lutherans, et al., are all saved. There are many unsaved in the average church congregation. Many Protestant churches have unsaved pastors and few if any real believers as members. This would be true among many churches, even among those that once preached the gospel.
So even if their Church were biblical, Roman Catholics would need to be evangelized. But the situation is far worse. That church not only has not preached the true gospel but has actively and often violently opposed it for more than 1,500 years! Some apostate Protestant churches and denominations still have statements of faith that include the true gospel--but not the Roman Catholic Church. Its doctrines, as stated irrevocably by Church Councils and catechisms, plainly deny the true gospel and teach a false gospel instead.
Yes, Rome does officially teach that Jesus Christ is God, that He came to earth through a virgin birth, that He died for our sins on the Cross, rose from the dead the third day, and is coming again. But each of these statements carries an unbiblical meaning according to their beliefs: Mary is still a virgin; Jesus is still a babe or hanging on the Cross; forgiveness of sins through Christ's death and resurrection comes only through the Church, its priests, its sacraments (beginning with infant baptism for salvation), and through Mary, the "saints," and good works. The sacrifice of the Mass is essential, during which bread and wine are allegedly transformed into the literal body and blood of Christ to be ingested by the faithful for forgiveness of sins.
Though I agree with what Dave Hunt Writes here, Which in essense is that few in the mainstream churches are saved. I also believe that the Lord has many "sleepers" in all the churches as well, that are his, and that he loves and protects by his sovereign will. (That is where I disagree with him on)
I do know that when Jesus called his followers his "Church", he was not referring to buildings or denomiantions, but the people. I think we can all agree on this? This is the TRUE church.
The Churches(buildings and denomiantions) are institutions built by man. Societies built around a common set of beliefs and practices. The  worldly manifestation of the church. Not the True church, though individuals may be of the true church within them.
 I believe HIS church consists of members of all the denominations listed above including the Catholics, But all those who are his true church do not identify themselves as Catholic, Baptist(which is what I was Baptised(Immersion)into and raised in), Lutheran(which I was born and baptized as an infant into), or Methodist, etc.
 It is my belief, and I Know I will take heat for this, That part of being "Set apart" or Holy is to remove oneself from the worldly institution that is the church, and to be united in following Jesus, and him alone. So I no longer consider myself a Baptist or Lutheran, though I agree with many of their doctrines, I am now a Christ follower, and not a man follower.
The Lord is Patient regarding those sleepers in the churches, that they should "reach repentance", and be set apart from the things of this world. I believe it is far more difficult for catholics to do this because of the control the church has over them, but those that do manage this are far more "faithful". This does not mean we stop attending the churches, or "walk out the door" as you say, but that we no longer are beholden to man. That was one of the points of my letter. Every church/man is error prone. There is a certain amount of error that we tolerate, but then there is that which we must stand up to and condemn. That was the point of my brothers question, "where is that line?" That line is when the church gets between the believer and Jesus himself and hinders them from being set apart.  When True, Godly repentance is not allowed to occur. When the church becomes more important than the will of God in the life of the believer.
These are not easy topics to deal with. Human pride, is what keeps us clinging to the things of this world. They offer security, comfort, a place and meaning.  But being with Jesus offers far more. To take that step away from a place that has provided so much meaning and community in our lives is difficult to say the least. But in taking that step, we are stepping into the arms of Jesus, and it is glorious to Know him and his Love for us on this personal level. The Institution of the church is merely that stepping stone to Jesus. Most people would rather sit there on that stone than take that step and follow him.
You wrote:
"We really need the Lord, don't we, David?  We need Him to come and put His arms around all of His children."

The above is my response to that. Sometimes we need to reach out to him in faith and step into his arms to receive that hug. Like that first kiss, it is scary, but well worth it.

God bless, and thank you for the response.