Connie B (5 Dec 2013)
"To Jim Bramlett"


  I always look forward to reading your posts!       I listened to the video that you posted several times from Rody.    I believe it.
This week on Tuesday Nov. 19. my position at the hospital I have been an RN at for 14 years was eliminated.    It is effective Dec. 14.  I can work
PRN with no benefits. (As needed).   Just for a brief moment I was a little nervous.   I felt strongly in my spirit that it really didn't matter.
Also the only rapture dream I ever had, my son was with me in the backyard and also in the dream were two straight tall trees.
The house that we lived in at the time didn't have those trees but our current home does.  My son works for John Hagee in San Antonio and I live in Ohio with my husband and Jon's (my son) dad.   Jon is flying in for Thanksgiving with his wife and we will be picking them up at the airport around noon on Thanksgiving day.  They have to return to Texas early Sunday morning.  As far as I know this is the only time we will be together for the
remainder of 2013.         So of course this will be a high watch time for me.

Connie B.