Steve Coerper (14 Dec 2012)
"Jezebel Spirit"

Dear John and Doves -

This is an ugly message but it needs to be said.

Jezebel was an evil, manipulative woman.  She appears in the books of Kings in the Old Testament, and in the church in Thyatira in the new.  She's known primarily for sexual immorality but I believe she manifests herself in other way, primarily rebelliousness (which is as the sin of witchcraft) and an unsubmissive spirit.  She may show many of the virtues of the Proverbs 31 woman in that she rises up early and works diligently.  But she has a real problem with Ephesians 5.

I mention this because it appears to me that the eschatological community is the "happy hunting ground" for this spirit.  Many of us are in what would be called "unequal yokes."  We long for the return of the Lord and watch for the signs, as He commanded.  But one may have a spouse who is completely unconcerned:  indifferent at best and hostile at worst.  We've all seen it.  What I have also seen is highly-motivated women who think that because their husbands are not as "spiritual" as they are, that they need no longer submit to him.

"Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord" does not appear to have exceptions or an escape clause.  If a woman will not submit to her husband who she can see, how can she submit to the Lord, Who she cannot see?  And especially when He has given her a direct command to submit?  "If you love Me, keep My commandments."

"Submit" has become an ugly word, and now has Islamic overtones.  So let's just say "respect" and you'll get the basic idea.  I've seen women, and maybe you have also, who are working outside the home.  As "career women," many have substantial incomes and get tremendous respect from their co-workers.  And this can turn into contempt for their husbands.  Some make more money than their husbands, and in this Babylonian world, this turns to arrogance.  Some are more religious than their husbands, so they replace their husbands spiritual headship by making their pastor or minister into their spiritual head.  This is immorality!  In an extreme case, there was a woman who felt she was getting direct communications from God.  She may have been getting communications from Him through her husband (God respects the chain of command), but he wasn't "spiritual" enough so she would not listen.  I believe a seducing spirit may have gained entry at that point, and her dreams, visions and communications that she thought were from God were actually from the dark side.  God did have a message for her:  Ephesians 5:22.  But she was to "spiritual" to listen.  Her marriage is in shambles, her testimony is about destroyed, and her legal problems are just beginning.

THIS IS THE JEZEBEL SPIRIT!  (Pardon my all-caps - I'm not yelling, just emphasizing).  Bad stuff happens to Jezebel and to all who follow her example (Rev. 2:22).  Wives:  respect your husbands, even if they are unsaved or spiritually indifferent.  Consider Esther - Ahasuerus was a tyrant.  Need I say more??

I am truly frightened for some Christian women who are going to get some terrifying surprises when Jesus returns and holds them accountable for the shabby way they treat their husbands.

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