Randy (14 Dec 2012)
"Don't take some Websites at Face Value...here is an example that I saved.  From Before It's News...."


They had an article on Oct 29, 2012 stating:
THERE will be NO US Presidential election.      (Really???  that's why I saved this one!!) 
Another site out there with BAD predictions is:    trunews.com   Back in Jan 2011.....he predicted in an internet radio show:
New world currancy, UN announcement around March to June 2011, 50% dollar devalue
I said it back then when this post was made.....  AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
HEY....it's TOUGH to predict the news....BEFORE it's news!!!  lol................
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.........just like trying to pick THE day for the Rapture.  (Just ask me....I went ALL IN for Rosh Hashanah 2012 as THE day!!  ....so I know a little about which I speak!!  lol....     BTW....I am hoping I simply MISinterpreted the signs, so to speak....and that Rosh Hashanah 2012 was the start of the YEAR of the Rapture, rather than THE DAY FOR the Rapture....we shall see.....  9 months to go inJewish Year 5773.  IF NOTHING Happens by Rosh Hashanah 2013.....I will FOREVER SHUT UP about MY interpretation of the DOW DROP of 777.68 on Rosh Hashanah 2008!!) 
There is a LOT of BAD stuff out there on the internet.....  be careful!!
Sooooooo.....Mathew 10:16
I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.
