Kaatcya (14 Dec 2012)
"Earthquakes: it is 10:31 AM Pacific Time Wed 12-12-12"


Dear Doves -

It is Wednesday, 12-12-12 and I was prompted right this moment before my computer in California to look at

and what do I see?
44 minutes ago, 4.4 earthquake in Canada (on the eastern coast side)
44 minutes ago, 2.7 earthquake in Central California++

and I immediately thought 888  (4+4 and 4+4 and 4+4)

and 2.7 (2+7 = 9) - 9! judgment/finality!!!

all morning I have been reading the posts from Monday, Tuesday and today, being edified, praying as prompted,
reading what all are sharing

O, that Christ Jesus would take us in this season! This 888 was a beautiful confirmation of His love and promise,
the hope of salvation that we all can rely on! He will fulfill His promise to us.  Let us keep the Faith!

Colossians 1:23 - If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven; whereof I Paul am made a minister;

We are told that this gospel was preached to every creature under heaven.  How? Psalms 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of Yehovah! The story of Our Messiah's coming is told there, to start.

This "888" and John 3:16 Gospel was certainly seen by many who access Google Internet (it was the number 1 search on Google the day after the Tim Tebow January 8, 2012 football game).

Our salvation draws nigh! I've got chills (is it the weather or my inner spirit?)

All for Jesus Christ Our Wonderful Saviour! We have gained so much by His sacrifice! Amen!