Harvey Troyer (14 Dec 2012)
"Imminent Rapture and Sudden Destruction Revealed by Charity’s Vision, Verified by Angela and Nicole Poon."

December 14, 2012 [Tevet 1, Hanukkah Day 6]


Dear John Tng and all Faithful and Beloved Doves,

Subj:  Imminent Rapture and Sudden Destruction Revealed by Charity’s Vision, Verified by Angela and Nicole Poon.


We all know that the Rapture and Sudden Destruction will be linked to the Days of Noah.  Cheshvan 17th in 2012 fell on November 2, 2012 (Sunset Nov 1 to Sunset Nov 2).  We believe that Cheshvan 17th was the day that Noah made his final entry onto the Ark and God shut the door of the Ark (all aboard) and then the tremendous rains and flooding suddenly brook loose. 


Let me be the first to show you that our Lord Jesus who gives visions to Nicole Poon and her friend, which Nicole posts on the internet, did indeed VALIDATE CHESHVAN 17TH, 2012 IN A MOST AMAZING WAY! 


Remember the August 29, 2012 drawing with the number “381” on the back on the soldier.  Well that 381 itself had great significance; but, that number was tucked inside of a “cryptic 1”.  So the Lord wanted us to see the number 1381 as well.  Guess what, there are exactly 1381 days from bo’s (“the one”) inauguration January 20, 2009 to Cheshvan 17th 5773 or 2012!  It falls on November 1, 2012 and that day at Sunset started Cheshvan 17th.  But it gets even better.


November 1, 2012 fell on a Thursday (Day 5 of Charity’s Template).  Charity’s Template goes 5, 6, 7 (Jesus) and Charity heard this repeating in her head REPEATEDLY, and then SHE SAW AND HEARD the door of Noah’s Ark slamming shut with a LOUD BANG with each JESUS.  Again, Charity said that this repeated over and over. But it get’s better!


Enter Angela bebeautifulyou on Youtube.  Very early at 3:50AM while in prayer on December 8, 2011 (a 1-Year Warning to Hanukkah Eve Dec 8, 2012) Angela, who had never heard of Charity’s Vision, was a given the same VISUAL NUMBERS 5, 6, 7 written on a white board or surface and Angela says: I don’t know what it means exactly; but, I think that it means to get ready at any moment.  Jesus said to Angela: Remind my people to be ready at any moment.  Yes, I am coming to take my people home very soon.

Pasted from <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxfFlR-Es3c>


While here on earth, Jesus was a carpenter during his earthly ministry (see Mark 6:3) and carpenters use templates, patterns and jigs often in woodworking.  Templates make complex constructions repeatable and accurate.  We all know now from hands on experience that the timing of the Rapture is extremely cryptic and complex. I too have done a lot of carpentry and am familiar with using jigs and templates in woodworking.  So it was natural for me to refer to Charity’s vision as “Charity Templates” (or repeating building blocks) to paint a word picture to help explain complex timelines.

Now notice that we started November 2012 on a Thursday; thus, we have Nov 1, 2, 3 starting as Charity Day's 5, 6, 7.   Again, Cheshvan 17th (The Day of Noah) fell on November 1 at Sunset.  In Charity’s Template you repeat Thursday, Friday, Saturday each week, which are Days 5, 6, 7 respectively.

There were five repeating Charity Templates in November and Now in December we have come to the Seventh (7th) repeating Charity Template Dec 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th.   Do you see how this fits into the 8 days of Hanukkah from Dec 9-16, 2012?  The pattern is perfect.  Not only that; but, the days of Hanukkah match as well, i.e., December 13th (Thursday = Charity Day 5 and Hanukkah Day 5), December 14th (Friday = Charity Day 6 and Hanukkah Day 6), December 15th (Saturday = Charity Day 7 and Hanukkah Day 7), December 16th [Sunday the Lord’s Day = Charity’s ‘JESUS’ (Day 8) for Hanukkah Day 8].


Below is from Charity's original post on April 22, 2009:



I heard, "5, 6, 7, JESUS!" as Noah's Ark closed with a bang!

Okay, this is crazy!


I was in the kitchen cleaning up from lunch when I suddenly  got

a splitting headache! So I quickly got the rest of the food in  the

fridge while cringing in pain, and then layed down with a  pillow

over my head (my "do not disturb" sign)


Well, anyway, about five minutes after laying down, I heard

"5, 6, 7, JESUS!" in my head. This kept repeating over and

over..."5, 6, 7, JESUS!" And with each "JESUS", I saw the

door of Noah's Ark being shut with a loud "BANG". So I heard

"JESUS" and "BANG" at the same time.


Any ideas about the "5, 6, 7"? I really don't know. I've still got a

pretty bad headache, but I just HAD to come post this and see

what y'all think. I'll check back in a bit! 



Following is a link to Nicole Poon’s Drawings of the Soldier with the number 1381 as posted by Frank Molver.


Pasted from <http://www.fivedoves.com/letters/dec2012/frankm123-2.htm


I sincerely hope that this information is a blessing, comfort and source of excitement for each of you and that we have now arrived at our long anticipated day of destiny to meet our Blessed Lord face-to-face, as well as meeting each other.  God bless you all.



Please continue pray mightily for the protection of God’s People (Israel) by God Yahweh and His Son Yeshuah HaMashiach, who is King of the Jews. May Michael the great Prince of Israel and all his mighty warriors now stand up to protect the Holy People of Israel from all of their Luciferian enemies! Amen and Amen!

Maranatha! (Come Quickly Lord Jesus!)


Emmaus Road Ministries

Harvey Troyer (YBIC)