Gino (14 Dec 2012)
"I would really appreciate your help with this"

I was hoping that you may be able to help me with this.

It appears that a few days ago, I was labeled as a false teacher (not by anyone on FiveDoves, but here where I live).

At first I was crushed and a little depressed.

Then I had a choice, either to be angry, or to find out if it may be true.

I asked the LORD, the next time that I prayed, if it is possible that I may be a false teacher.

I’m not talking about a false prophet, that is a different thing, but rather a false teacher.

I went to the passage II Peter 2:1-22, where false teachers are described.

As far as I know, the vast majority of those things mentioned do not directly apply.

I’m not teaching heresy.

In the places that I’ve lived, I don’t teach things contrary to the church where I’ve been a member.

I’m not denying the LORD who bought me.

However, for someone to believe that I’m a false teacher, there must be something for them to think that.

There were no explicit connections of the items in II Peter 2, to me, it was rather a two-step thing.

First, all the things that are in II Peter 2 about a false teacher were described.

Secondly, a general kind of picture of a person, who may be false teacher, was painted.

That picture wasn’t about explicit teachings or sinful activities, but every day things, to help spot the false teacher.

Things mentioned were how the person approaches people, how they speak, how they walk.

Also mentioned was how their humor is, how they answer questions, how they seem to know the answer, and many other things.

In short, it pretty much was a picture of me, my personality quirks & nuances, a way to describe me with no name mentioned.

In context, then, the person that came to mind, was therefore, also, to be considered the false teacher of II Peter 2.

The painting really fit me to a tee and no other.

Also, this all happened in a context where we believe that the LORD is leading.

Therefore, this cannot be a coincidence or an accident – perhaps the LORD is trying to tell me something.


My question to FiveDoves is how can I determine if I really am a false teacher?

Jeremiah said that the heart is deceitful above all things, so no doubt, I can & do lie to myself about myself.

My old nature is savvy, and if I’m a false teacher, my old nature will do its best to keep me from finding this out.

Of course, there is the other possibility, that this is all in my mind, and that I’m trying to make something of nothing.

I would really appreciate your help in this.

                          Thank you all in advance,
