Randy (31 Dec 2011)
"Remember when John The Baptist asked:  Jesus, are YOU the one, or should we look for another?  So, let ME ask Jesus about the Rapture now...."

Isn't it amazing, that after ALL John the Baptist had seen, heard and experienced his WHOLE life.....
Isn't it amazing that he still felt compelled to ask, from jail none-the-less, after having:
1) Baptised Jesus himself
2) heard God's voice AFTER the Baptism "This is my beloved son, in whom I am well-pleased"  (quote from my memory)
3) having had his mother (I am sure) telling him "he had jumped in her womb when she went to see Mary, when she was pregnant.."
4) After saying "I am not worthy to wash your feet, let alone baptise you......it is I who YOU should be baptising.."
and on and on........
Yet, John the Baptist still asked "Jesus.....are you the Messiah, or should we watch for another?"    (Again, all from memory....on these Bible quotes)
And so.......here I am.......having watched, like many of you, for well over 10 years now......actually, around 14 years....
And over those 14 years....having WATCHED and SEEN.....in the news, around the world ALL OF THE SIGNS JESUS TOLD ME/YOU/US to be watching for in Mathew 24 and Luke 21.....
And, in my opinoin THE DOMINOES ARE ALL LINED UP.....just waiting for the Rapture...
And I find myself needing to ask, respectfully, in prayer...
LORD JESUS......is THIS the year for everything to come together?  Is 2012 the year of the Rapture? .......Or should we be watching for another.......?
LORD JESUS........there are MANY of us who believe......and just want to know......is it THIS year??
In YOUR Name I offer this prayer.......on behalf of ALL of us who are EAGER to see it all begin.