Mary Anna (21 Dec 2011)
"GOD Hears & Answers Prayers of His own..."

To the Whole 5-Doves Family....

  Lest anyone should think God is not personally involved in our personal lives, here is my story that will contradict that!  Having gone to this church for 7 1/2 years, quite satisfied and content, recently I learned the pastor and many members that are faculty of schools, a college and a university, are pro Obama's and pro Palestinians.  That struck me to the core!  First disbelief but upon further questioning, I found it was True.  Also, I realized I could not remain in this church!

   As it happened, when I first attended this church after moving to this town, I was asked by many to join but for reasons I don't know, I just declined.  Now after almost 8 years, I learn this awful news and began looking for another church.  About a week ago, I got a surprise phone call from the sweetest and most elderly lady of the church asking if I'd been ill, that she'd missed me and was worried about me.  No, I told her I was fine and would talk to her sometime.  I didn't want to go into my reasons on the phone with her.  I thought I'd go back to church this past Sunday, sit with her and talk privately with her after church if possible.  That was not to be!

   As I was preparing to go back to church Sunday, suddenly I got the worst whack in my stomach sending me to the Pepto-Bismol feeling so terribly nauseated it put me to bed but was able to get to sleep.  When I woke up, it was way past church time and I was unable to go through with my plans at this church to talk to this sweet old lady.

   Previously I'd been trying my best to know God's will, whether or not I should leave this church praying almost constantly with no answer.  I'd been attending every Sunday for nearly 8 years and became (as it were) 'a faithful member'!  

   NOW I KNEW GOD answered my prayer!  He'd closed the door to this church for me!  
 I THANKED HIM profusely, feeling bad because of my doubts He had heard my prayers!


Mary Anna