Lynnette (31 Dec 2011)
"Elliot H. re: Third Day from Hanukkah"


Dear Elliot ,Yes, I was hopeful for a Hanukkah departure yet our God Is faithful to Come for HIS BeLoved :) as HE has spoken :)Thank you for your note of insights& encouragement.

Dr Owour is holding meetings during these days including Dec 31st- Jan1, 2012 , He prophesied speaking to ushers to sit at the time of the rapture.

On Friday12/30 while traveling, I saw a most interesting thing in the sky. As multiple sunrays were streaming downward, I noticed a change to one main strong ray which seemed to shine downward as a spotlight and move across the land. I was wide-eyed thinking of the
scriptures of the LORD's coming to lift up HIS Bride.  Blessings,Lynnette