Lydia F (21 Dec 2011)
"Lewis Brackett KJV"

Lewis, I did not know that about the KJV! Glad you shared it. I've been an NIV'er since 1980 myself, but one dear friend, with whom I had the great privilege of praying as she accepted Christ as her Savior, had been prompted by the Holy Spirit to buy a Bible a few months earlier. The Bible she purchased was the King James, and in typical Holy Spirit fashion, He enabled her to understand the archaic language as she read it - no small feat for someone who was not exposed to Scripture as a child! She recognized totally what a miracle that was, and felt like she been taught a new language by God Himself.

I wonder if one reason that God has allowed there to be so many translations and versions of His Word is that it encourages those who want to understand to dig deeper into the meaning of the original words and phrases? We all know that there is no single English word that can convey the meaning or context of many of the words in the original languages. Sometimes I will read a quote someone has posted from a different translation than I'm used to, and I think, Wow, I never thought about that verse in that way before.

Just one more way that iron can sharpen iron, in my opinion. Thanks, y'all, for your insights and encouragement. I missed you guys that day when John was unable to update the letters!

Can't wait to see ya!

Lydia F