Lewis Brackett (21 Dec 2011)
"Obama is not the AntiChrist"

The One World Order take control setting up a 10 region world dictatorship at the beginning of the 7 year tribulation period. At that point the future AC is just one of several or many who agree with(confirm) the "covenant with many". The AC is not even one of the 10 world rulers.  After 3 1/2 years of increasing chaos the person chosen by these 10 world leaders is finally given power and he immediately goes to Jerusalem to stop sacrifices in the temple. HOWEVER Daniel 12"11/12 points out that its another 1260 days before the AC defiles the temple with the 2nd coming 45 days later on the 1335th day after mid tribulation.
Since the 10 region world govt has not yet been set up, Obamas 2008 speech is not the covenant with many and is irrelevant.
I might also point out that the rapture has not yet happened so once again Obama cant be the AC
As far as 2Thess "Falling Away" this is what it means:

    Two Thessalonians 2

    When there is discussion about the meaning of a word, the context of the discussion

    reveals the truth….. Here the Thessalonians thought that they had missed the rapture, and Paul assures them they had not..

    That is why 2Thess2:3 is properly translated “departure” as in the rapture and not a “Falling Away” as in the KJV.

Here are four early translations of 2Th 2:3…...Tyndale (1534)2Th 2:3 excepte ther come a departynge fyrst— Coverdale (1535)excepte the departynge come first, —–the Geneva Bible (1537)except there come a departing first, —–Cranmer (1539 excepte ther come a departynge fyrst,

 ((My Paraphraise))

2 Thess 2

1..Now we earnestly ask you, our friends, according to the coming of Jesus at the Rapture,

2..That you not be deceived by any letter supposedly from us saying that we had missed the rapture and that the 2nd coming of Jesus is soon.

3...Don’t be deceived for the 2nd coming of Jesus will not come until the departure of the Church in the rapture, followed by the revealing of the anti-Christ

4 This man indwelt by Satan who exalts himself above GOD or is worshipped as god. This man will sit in the newly rebuilt temple showing to himself that he is god

5...Remember that when I was with you, I told you these things?

6...And now you understand that  the Holy Spirit holds back the coming of the AntiChrist until GODs appointed time

7...For GODlessness in now evident in part until the Holy Spirit ceases from restraining it

8...Then the AntiChrist will be revealed, who is the evil one whom Jesus will devour with his spoken word and with the holy glory of His 2nd coming

9...This AntiChrist who rise to power is through Satanic lying wonders

10...That the unrighteous will be deceived and perish because they refused knowledge of the truth through which they might have been saved

11..Because of their rejection of HIS truth, GOD will cause them to be deceived and that they should believe THE LIE

12...That all who rejected the truth will be dammed , those who were happy in doing evil.


Lewis Brackett