K.S. Rajan (21 Dec 2011)
"comments by JOHNmCternan"

This is a very interesting statement. He has declared all-out war against Israel exactly as described by the prophet Obadiah. Hamas is of the House of Esau and will not survive this war. The name of Hamas will be blotted out never to be remembered. Notice how the focus of this event is Jerusalem!
"Addressing tens of thousands of supporters during a rally in Gaza City marking the 24th anniversary of the founding of Hamas, Haniyeh said his movement remained committed to armed struggle as a strategic option to liberate “all the occupied Palestinian territories,” and that Hamas, “together with all the free peoples, will lead the fight to liberate all Palestine.” Held under the banner of “Jerusalem, We are Coming,” the rally was one of the biggest shows of support for Hamas in recent years. Hamas officials estimated the number of participants at 350,000
As Turkey Has Done to Israel
It is always amazing to watch how God times events. The same day the Turks are bragging about damaging Israel in the region and world, they are crying because France is about to expose to the world the Turkish genocide against the Armenians! Exactly what the Turks tried to do to Israel happened to them on the same day