K.S. Rajan (21 Dec 2011)
"report by BILL KOENIG"


A Palestinian prisoner released by Israel on Sunday as part of a swap for a captive soldier said that Shas spiritual leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef deserves to die.
Salah Hamouri, 26, in 2005 was imprisoned for plotting to assassinate the influential rabbi.
Hamouri was one of 550 prisoners freed to complete a deal in which Israel released 1,027 prisoners for soldier Gilad Shalit, who was held captive in the Gaza Strip for over five years.
Today's Zamman, Turkey:
Report: Syria arms missiles with chemical warheads
The Syrian regime, which has endured nine months of civil unrest spurred by the Arab Spring as it swept across the Middle East, has armed its medium-range missile arsenal with chemical warheads.
According to a report published by the Sabah daily Sunday, Damascus armed 600 one-ton chemical warheads to use in the event of a foreign military intervention. Furthermore, President Bashar al-Assad ordered the deployment of 21 missile launchers along its border with Turkey. Syria’s medium-range missiles that can be equipped with chemical warheads have a range of up to 1,300 kilometers and would include the southern and central provinces of Turkey.