KML (20 Dec 2011)
"Re: Kenn " The Restrainer " Who is he?"

Hello Kenn
Thank you for your responce.

My letter sent to Gary Stearman said:
It has always been my thinking and my belief based on my studies/ teachings over the years that " The Restrainer"
is [The Christians or Christian church], where in, Dwells The Holy Spirit.

I see the The Holy Spirit being everywhere at all times, only "His Restraining influence over Sin" is removed during Tribulation.
Presently Christians are the Salt of the earth and the light of the world.( Matt 5:13-16) The evacuation of Christians, in whose hearts
The Holy Spirit lives, is the way---- the only way---His Restraining influence on Sin is removed, ridding the world of Salt and Light.
Christians are God's preservative forces, as well as the dispellers of darkness. Imagine what happens when the Spirit's Restraining influence ( the church) is removed via The Rapture. Quite literally, all hell will break loose upon the earth. Still, even during this time. His continuing [personal presence] on earth produces one of the Greatest revivals in the history of mankind.
The message of the 144,000 Centers  on the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. This was the emphasis of the Old Testament preachers ( Acts 10:43)
Matt 24:14) This is not the message of His First coming--- The Rapture----( Rev 4:1)  but the Revelation or revealing of Christ as King.
Rev 19:16)
(Matt 3:2) and (John 1:29)  This message of [repentence] and the blood was to prepare the hearts of the people for the Third part of His Message--- the coming of the King. Though Christ was rejected in the days of John The Baptist, He will be accepted when the 144,000  Jews preach the indentical message.
At this time a worldwide revival will ensue, for one of the elders asks, (Rev 7:13,14) What are these  which are arrayed in white robes ? and Whence came they ?  The elder answered , these are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.

Halllelujah !
Acts 17:11
Be Blessed