Josua (31 Dec 2011)
"Clues about Dr. Owuors Kisumu meeting"

Dear Doves,

I am wondering if Dr. Owuors current Kisumu meeting is the meeting he has forseen as the one where the rapture will happen? Earlier, he has said that in a vision he saw that this meeting will be full of miracles - could this be due to the many saved ppl that will be raptured and get healed from all diseases in that moment?

And for some reason he seems to have allowed to declare the 10. December lunar eclipse as the fulfilment of his eclipse-prophecy from October (, which I think was strange because in that vision he clearly said he saw the moon to be between the earth and the sun (= solar eclipse). In the vision, he clearly said that this eclipse will be the one heralding the coming of the lord (as is also mentioned in many places throughout the entire Bible). Did he allow to classify the 10. December lunar eclipse as the fulfilment of that prophecy because the Lord told him so?
Another thought I had regarding this vision is that the "moon between the earth and the sun" could be the bride of Christ during the rapture, as the Moon IS symbolic for the bride of Christ, and it really results in a tremendous "eclipse" on the earth.

I also think to remember correctly that some time in 2011 he got a second vision about Israeli attacks on Iran, and that he said it will be in 2011. In another vision he said that he thinks (but not knows) that this attack will be "post rapture".

So really, according to Dr. Owuor, we have multiple reasons why to "Watch and pray always, that we may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man."! (Luke 21, 36)

Maybe Elliot Hong was perfectly right about Hanukkah and the 3-days delay?

Doves, are you 100% ready to see Jesus in the clouds, and are you aware what it really REALLY means? Although I am really looking forwards to that, I also have a deep feeling of how shocking it will be (even to the rapture-ready watchers) due to the FINALITY of this event - until that moment really comes, it is our duty to serve as best as we can, in love and holiness, according to the will of the father to honour his beloved son!

Watch & Pray!
YBIC, Josua