Josua (21 Dec 2011)
"Hanukkah & Philadelphia: just look at the PILLARS in the TEMPLE!"

Dear Doves

I honestly believe that we can know the date of our departure same as Noah knew his! If you have a problem with that, consider the following scriptures:

Daniel 2, 27-28a:
Daniel replied, "No wise man, enchanter, magician or diviner can explain to the king the mystery he has asked about, but there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries

Amos 3, 7
Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.

I have asked God to give me an additional confirmation for Hannukah (besides the amazing facts we already got). And I was led to carefully read John 10 once more.

John 10, 22-23:
And it was at Jerusalem the feast of the dedication [=Hanukkah], and it was winter. And Jesus walked in the temple in Solomon's porch.

Solomons porch is a hall in the temple with Pillars!

Now have a look at

Revelation 3:11:
Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.
The world got its last warning on March 11 with the tremendous tsunami in Japan and the following disaster in Fukushima at
March 11 -> Revelation 3:11

Revelation 3:12:
Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name.

Please note that verse 3:12 is the next Verse after Rev 3:11. If Rev 3:11 relates to the Tsunami in Japan, then Rev 3:12 possibly relates to the next big event, which is the rapture at Hanukkah, as there is a clear reference to the pillars in Gods temple!
Hanukkah is this year celebrated from 20. Dec to 28. Dec.
Hanukkah is also the little brother" of the "Feast of Tabernacles" (one of Gods holy feast from Leviticus 23) and they share many similarities. In John 7 you can read that Jesus appeared "in secret" during the first half of the feast of Tabernacles, and in public "around the middle". The middle of this years Hanukkah is Dec. 24./25.

This years xmas eve (Dec. 24) is Kislev 28 in the Jewish calendar - the exact day when Noahs ark was "lifted up high above the earth" (Genesis 7:17)!
Start counting at Dec. 24 and add 110 days (Genesis 7:17 = 40 days, Genesis 7:24 = 150 days. 150-40 = 110) and you get to April 11 2012. Add 1260 days and you get exactly to Day of Atonement 2015 (23. Sept. 2015). We already know the significance of that day (if you don't, check out!

Note that the human gestation period is the exact timespan between Pentecost and Hanukkah! The Church was born at Pentecost and is raptured at Hannukah - a perfect match!
For plenty more reasons about a Hanukkah Rapture (around 24. / 25. Dec), check out the following videos and carefully read the description below the videos:

Doves, this is serious!
Never in my life have I felt such an urgency and firm conviction to share my thoughts about all this.

The Timeline 2015 has been confirmed in the stars:
- Obamas birthday:
- Obamas "covenant with many" to "change the world in one week":
- April 11:
- Day of Atonement perfectly marked as the end of a 7-years period by Lunar and Solar eclipses falling perfectly on Jewish feasts:

Who else than God Almighty himself could arrange the Sun, Moon, earth and the stars to perfectly confirm everything just like that??!

Please note that I am absolutely not interested in astrology as it is done by the astrologers. But God uses the stars as a mean to let us double-check what he reveals to us. He allows us to backtrack the things he reveals to us through the stars, so that there is absolutely no doubt left. The signs in the sun, moon and stars as shown in the links above is simply overwhelming and "mathematically impossible"!

Counting the Jubilees correctly also perfectly lands on Day of Atonement 2015:

The Timeline that ends at 23. September 2015 fully matches all day counts in the books of Daniel and Revelation. For more info, please check out and

Hanukkah 2011 is the last Hanukkah before the Middle of the 7-years tribulation period (= 7*360 days, as days are counted in Bible prophecy). The middle is 11. April 2012, and the end is 23. Sept. 2015 (Day of Atonement). The time from 11. April 2012 to 23. Sept. 2015 is the second half of the Tribulation, which is (according to my understanding) the same as "Gods wrath".

If you don't believe in all this, you will soon be able to verify/falsify everything in this writing.

Rev 19:10b
...for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

If you don't know Jesus as your personal saviour yet, then please know the following: Until 23. Sept. 2015 it is NEVER too late to change your mind and fall on your knees and repent and start to fully live your life for Jesus - whatever the costs!

Father in heaven, I realize, admit and regret that I have sinned. I ask you from the 
bottom of my heart to forgive me! Thank you Jesus that you died for my sins so that 
they are forgiven, and that through you I will receive eternal life. I subordinate myself to 
you from now on and in all eternity. Please help me through the Holy Spirit to live my life
to your honor. Amen!

If you already know Jesus as your personal saviour but did not put him first in your life then it is very possible that you also reject the information presented in this writing. In that case, don't hesitate another second to humble yourself down on your knees and beg for mercy!

Father in heaven, I realize, admit and regret that I have not really put Jesus first in life. Please have mercy on me! I take full responsibility for my sins and bad habits and I ask you to forgive me once more! 
Please open my eyes and help me to see and believe! Amen!

Isaiah 60:8
Who are these that fly as a cloud, and as the doves to their windows?

Watch & Pray!
YBIC, Josua