Josua (20 Dec 2011)
"Hannukah - when his sheep HEAR his voice!"

Dear beloved Doves!

I'd like to share some things with you.

About 2 years ago I was still Laodizean-minded and without the slightest interest or thoughts about the end times. At that time, we had a special celebration week in the church and during that I TWICE struggled about Hagai 2:18+19 (talking about Kiselv 24 as the start of the blessing). The first time was between two celebrations when I went in a room to read the Bible in silence. Due to some reason I started to have tears in my eyes (I was so touched by Gods holyness)  and opened the Bible and was led directly to Hagai 2:18+19. Later that day I stood near the pulpit as the celebration was already over. There was a Bible on the pulpit and due to some reason I just opened it and was surprised that it opened EXACTLY at Hagai 2:18+19. As I did not know what to do with it I forgot it - UNTIL recently. Obama mocking Hannukah and the fact that Hannukah starts right at Kislev 24 got me wondering.

My friend Bruce in specific helped me to remember about Hagai 2:18+19 with his recent post "Channukah-nomalies".
And today, Todds recent video got me VERY excited!

Ron Reese just recently pointed me to Kevin Heckles posts with amazing astronomic signs regarding Obamas birthday and his  "covenant with many for one week":

For me this was the ultimate and FINAL proof about Obama and the 2015 timeline. I could not believe that this info is available since 2009 and I have missed it...! If you still have the slightest doubt about Obama and the 2015 Timeline, you MUST read this!

And I also had another amazing coincidence just yesterday:

Over the weekend we had a very severe storm here in Switzerland and the name of the storm was Joachim. It has the same origin as Jojakim which means "JHWH raises up". Yesterday I opened the Bible at the very last chapter of Jeremiah (randomly) and I was excited to find that it is about Jojakim, the king of Juda, who changed his position from prison to the table of the king (just read the last few verses of Jeremiah, it is exciting to read it with the understanding of the rapture picture in it!). Later that day I had a desire to read Daniel Chapter 1 and to my surprise I realized that it mentions where Jojakim got captured. For me, it was like a double confirmation to find both ends of that story without even searching for it. And this right at the same time a storm with the same name strikes my country, and the name of the storm means "JHWH raises up"! And what puzzled me is that the day Jojakim got to the table of the king was "Month 12, Day 25". Of course this was in the Jewish calendar, but if we assign the date to our Calendar it perfectly matches the night from Dec. 24. - 25.... :-) the MIDDLE of Hannukah!

Now is the time to really look up!

Watch & Pray!
YBIC, Josua