Donna P (21 Dec 2011)
"--Christmas rapture--Ron Reese/Marilyn/Gerry"

Hello All,

I have been blessed by the studies of all that have posted about Kislev 24 and upward!  A couple of days later, I received a daily e-mail devotional from Bible Gateway having to do with Christmas.  I must share it!

I am not Catholic so I had never heard this before.  Apparently, there is something called "O Antiphons" that are prayed during the "Octave" (8) before Christmas Eve, a time which is called the "Golden Nights".

Each antiphon begins with "O" and addresses Jesus with a unique title which comes from the prophecies of

Isaiah and Micah and whose initials, when read backwards, form an acrostic for the Latin "Ero Cras" which means

"Tomorrow I come".  The titles for Christ are:



Adonai--Lord of Israel

Radix Jesse--Root of Jesse

Clavis David--Key of David

Oriens--Radiant Dawn, Dayspring

Rex Gentium--King of all Nations, King of the Gentiles

Emmanuel--God with us!


So, each day there is a prayer to Jesus to call Him to come for a distinct reason, culminating in the last on Christmas Eve that with the acrostic letters spells out "TOMORROW I COME" !  I have printed out the O Anitphons from a website called and am praying them each day (along with my usual prayers of course) that Jesus will indeed come on Christmas!

Your input please Doves??

Maranatha!  Can't wait to meet all of you,
Donna P.