Dayna (20 Dec 2011)
"Re: Charles, The Darkest Hour Movie"

I've seen the promos for this movie as well. It seems like everywhere I turn, Hollywood is mocking the rapture or making movies conditioning people to accept theories about it. Such as:
Some type of natural phenomenon that disintegrated people kind of like spontaneous combustion
Occult themes, i.e. somehow, we were "kidnapped" by some "power" (Not The Lord)
Or just joking about the rapture and mocking Christians who are trying to warn everyone that Jesus is coming back sooner than we think

My husband and I were having a conversation about this last night. I told him that it's almost as if while satan is accusing us to the Father in heaven day and night he can see something going on in heaven that is making him "double up" on his devices. The accuser of the brethren is definitely on the prowl seeking whom he may devour.

  Regardless of all the distractions the enemy throws against all those who are bought by the precious blood of Jesus ..don't desert your posts, brothers and sisters. Stay alert, stay on the wall and keep watch. No matter what happens, stand on the Word of God, ....but stand girded. Make sure your armor is on at all times. Ephesians 6:13 Submit to God, resist the devil and he will HAVE to flee from you. Having done all, stand. Don't grow weary in well doing, for in good time we shall reap Galatians 6:9. Our Lord is merciful and long suffering.The Lord is not slow to fulfill His promise, as some would count slowness but is patient toward you not willing that any would perish but that all should come to repentance 2 Peter 3:9.

See all of you sooner than we think
With much love to all doves, both those who write in, or who like me would rather just read
