Chris K (21 Dec 2011)
"Re: Kenn " The Restrainer " Who is he?"

Beloved Doves and Kenn,
   Both answers are true! It is the power of the Holy Spirit within the believers(all the Church) that acts as a restraining influence upon the world. The Spirit of God will not be removed, however, the Body of Christ will be and the influence they afford the rest of the world will be missing. The Holy Spirit will still be available to those who will but believe....but, will there be anyone that will believe? When the Son of Man returns to the earth will He find faith?
  The 144,000 will act as a witness on behalf of the "Law and the Prophets" or the "two Witnesses", but, they probably won't have a restraining effect upon the worlds behavior.
                                                                                                                                                                       your brother, Chris K.