Carol Garza (20 Dec 2011)
"Jesus is the Savior not us !"

Hi all,
While we are instructed to pray, share the gospel, to disciple the young ‘uns, to encourage and build up one another in Christ especially as the day draws near, while going through a time of frustration, the Holy Spirit spoke and reminded me JESUS is the Savior, not me !
This reminder took a big load off my shoulders as I had turned into a “Martha”, –working for the Lord-  sometimes it was in the Spirit but most times, it was in the flesh, I think.  I have pointed and shared the Word of Life, tried giving them HOPE yet some of my family & friends, on the surface received the Word only to go back to their whining, bickering and complaining...blaming everyone else but themselves for their problems, to the point of these people draining the LIFE out of me.  No wonder Jesus often prayed alone without anyone around, especially at night!  Between hoards of people seeking miracles of healing, wanting answers, attempting to trick Him, Teaching them, our King Lord Jesus must have experienced Frustration too!  (That is until He shed His Precious Blood on the cross, died and Resurrected !  Halleluiah for His Resurrection!  )
Finally, I gave up, raised my hands to the sky, looking up, I said to the Lord “Lord JESUS!  YOU ARE the SAVIOR!  Not me!!”
What relief I felt.  Of course, I still pray and share the Word of God as the Lord leads but most times, I simply say to them “You know WHO the Savior is already!”
If they’re ready to meet the Lord in the Air, Halleluiah.  If not...I’m not going to stress over their condition.  Me?  I will continue to give Thanks, Glory and Honor with Praise to our King Jesus!  My spirit and soul will continuously Bless the Name of the LORD.  I will continue to seek HIM and HIS Counsel all the days of my life.  I will continue to say “Come LORD JESUS.  The Spirit and the Bride say “Come”.
Grace & Peace to all my brethren in Christ Jesus,
Carol Garza