Carol Garza (14 Dec 2011)
"To KML: re Mormons"

Hi KML and doves,
I read your response to Jane re: Jehovah Witnesses.  Very GOOD !!  I applaud your reply!! 
I want to share an experience or testimony I had a few weeks ago with the Mormon missionaries who paid me a visit.
The 2 youngsters who are called ‘elders’ came a knocking at my door.  Thanks to the Godly men like John Hagee, James Robinson, Joel Rosenberg and others who have received and are ministering to Glenn Beck, the Holy Spirit has enlightened me and given me a new heart towards all people.
So very politely, the first question I asked them was if the believed Jesus is God.  As you stated KML, their response was “Jesus is the Son of God.”  Yes. YES He is the Son of God but do you believe He is GOD I kept asking.  They kept responding with the same answer:  He is the Son of God.
So I then asked them if they knew what Jesus Name was before He was given the Name JESUS.  They gave me a puzzled look and so I opened my Trusty-Worthy KING JAMES Bible.  (I emphasize KJ because that is the bible they use.  Had I used another bible, they would have shred me apart.  I already knew this.)
So we opened up in prayer.  I led.  (To God be the Glory)
I asked them what John 1:1 said..they paused to THINK.  They weren’t sure so
I politely and kindly had them LOOK and read John 1:1
In the beginning was the WORD and the WORD was with God and the WORD was GOD. 
I then took them to John 1:14 which says
And the WORD became Flesh and dwelt among us.
I then asked them if they knew what 1 John 5:7 said.  Again they paused to think.  I gave them a hint:  There are THREE that bear witness in heaven:  the Father......  to that they said, “the Son”.    I gently corrected them by showing them the scripture 1 John 5:7.  It does not say the Son.  It says “the WORD”.  1 John 5:7 reads:
There are Three that bear witness in heaven:  The Father, the WORD and the Holy Spirit.
I also took them to Isaiah 9:6...reminding them how beautiful the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sings this scripture:
For unto us a Child is born.  Unto us a SON is given.  And the government shall be upon His Shoulder. His Name shall be called:  Wonderful.  Counselor.  The Mighty GOD, the EVERLASTING FATHER, the Prince of Peace.
Here, Isaiah 9:6 tells us the SON  is the MIGHTY GOD and the Everlasting FATHER.
Those poor youngsters did not KNOW the Word of God.  They were /are trying to earn their way to heaven, just like the JW and so many religious people.   I did not try to ‘convert’ them.  I simply deposited a GOLDEN SEED into their spirit.   We had a lovely time ‘fellowshipping’ and we closed in prayer.  This time, one of the youngsters led.  It was a good prayer.  A heartfelt prayer.  As it was a warm day, I gave them some chilled bottled water as they went on their way.  All Glory and Honor goes to our KING JESUS.
The moral of the story...<wink-grin> is:
It pays off to know and study the Word of always be watchful, alert, to be armed with the Sword of the Spirit which is the WORD of God.
I love the Words in Deuteronomy 6:6-12 but I will only post verses 6-9.

These words, which I command thee this day, shall be in your heart:

Thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when thou rise up.

You shall bind them for a sign upon your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.

And you shalt write them upon the posts of your house, and on your gates.


Come Lord Jesus.

Your Dove in Christ,

Carol Garza