Amanda (21 Dec 2011)
"President Obama's Christmas tree lighting...Not one ornament regarding our Saviour"

Hello all,

I am literally feeling sick to my stomach and spooked after I watched the special that was on TV of the National Christmas tree lighting.  The news made mention that the tree was paying tribute to President Obama with I love President Obama ornaments BUT not one ornament representing Jesus or anything Christmas related.  WOW... if that does not just scream in your face anti Christ the key leader in the end days now well then your spiritual ears just aren't perked enough!!!  Back in 2008 the fall the Lord laid upon my heart Barack Obama two horns...I'm pretty sure that's the AC but not 100% sure.  

The stage is surely set with all these world leaders dieing.  As I watched the show it crossed my mind that it was probably driving Obama crazy when Silent Night was sang.  

I was reading on RITA where someone said they are finding themselves straining even when they hear the slightest sound that could be a trumpet.  I will be honest everytime I hear my train sounds go off, I will think Jesus is that you?!  

I have chills just thinking that this could finally be it to happen in 2011!
