Harvey Troyer (21 Dec 2010)
" PLEASE COVER THIS:  Re:  US Army Chief: We Are Very Ready To Attack Iran (source: Press TV) Sunday, December 19, 2010"

December 20, 2010

Dear John Tng and faithful doves,


Re:  US Army Chief: We Are Very Ready To Attack Iran (source: Press TV) Sunday, December 19, 2010


US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen has blamed Iran for making efforts to build a nuclear bomb, saying it poses a threat to the country's neighbors.

The United States is "very ready" to counter Iran should it make a move, the top US military officer added in Manama, Bahrain, home to a large US navy base, on Saturday.

"There are real threats to peace and stability here, and we've made no secrets of our concerns about Iran," he went on to say.


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Harvey Troyer (YBIC)

Emmaus Road Ministries