Denise Vargo (20 Dec 2010)
"A message I received from the Lord"

I'm new here posting letters
I received a message from the Lord at 3:20 last night December 18, 2010
I was so tired but the Lord called me by my name and told me to get up
He told me:
Take this down daughter and give this to your mate and all that you come in contact with:
Daughter There are many wrinkles in my bride's dress.
Who? Do you say have wrinkles? Look at your own heart, Examine your own heart.
Nobody is perfect you say, I sent my Son who went to the cross and died for your sins. He who is perfect is my Son
You are going to have to make some changes if you want to walk closer to me
I am God I change not
Where are the mighty men who will stand for me? Where are the mighty women who will stand for what is right and true?
There is nothing in this world that worth throwing it all away (He told me to write it again) There is nothing in this world that is worth throwing it all away
What is on the horizon is coming full force and straight ahead It is the darkest time in history ever
The man The Lawless one shall come forth and bring many to their knees
From the time now many have felt faint But I say to you faint not
For no one is rewarded for giving up no one is given a medal for beginning a race. You must finish to the end
For my Bride: Come with me spend time with me be not asleep at this hour. For the time is coming when I will for you.
That is all He told me to write
Denise Vargo, Weirton, Wv
Welcome to the Doves, Denise!