"And all the children of Israel complained against Moses and Aaron, andthe whole congregation said to them, “If only we had died in the land of Egypt!if only we had died in this wilderness!"Numbers 14:2Some remarkable prophetic Bible numbers came to light with the Final Medal counts of the2024 Paris 33rd Olympic Games > 2024 Summer Olympics - Wikipedia > pointing us to theStart Date End Datecoming Great Tribulation > 4/19/2025 > 1260 Days > 9/30/2028 <^^^^^^The USA WON the Paris 33rd Olympic Games with a final medal count of...^^^^^^Gold Silver Bronze ^^^^^^Totals > 40 + 44 + 42 = 126^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^The above verse ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Revelation 12:6 is where the 1260 dayNumbers 14:2 ^^^^^^^^^^^ Great Tribulation timeline is in text.is the first vs ^^^^^^^^ Same as 42 months as in Revelation 13:5in the Bibe with a 4044 gematria ct. using 360 day Bible prophetic year.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Numbers 14:2 is verse number 4111 of the Bible ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^A=1,B=2 etc > 451 = 41 X 11 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^=April Nineteen Two Thousand ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^4/19/2025 > !.......................1260 Days.......! > 9/30/2028 <Twenty Five !..same as 41 months 11 days.! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Start Date End DateGreat Tribulation Great TribulationMatthew is 40th book of Bible.Matthew begins with 930 chapter of Bible.Matthew ends with chapter 957+vs1071 = 2028 ."Lo, I will be with you alwaysEven to the End of the Age".1st and 2nd place in medal count went to ^^^ Matthew 28:20^^^A=1,B=2 etc > United States + China = 192 <<< both had 40 Gold medals.A=1,B=2 etc >>> Great Tribulation = 192 <<<........................................................................................................................................Numbers 14:2 is particularly significant in synchronizing here because the subject of the verse istalking about the ISRAELITES complaining about being in the wilderness, which is referencing thefact that GOD sentenced the ISRAELITES to 40 years in the wilderness from theparting of the Red Sea Exodus 19:11, before they would be allowed to enter the Promise land.Notice United States and China had 40 Gold medals each = 80 total.And in Exodus 7:7 it was Moses who led the ISRAELITES at age 80 during thetime of the Red Sea parting. We have documented in depth these 40 years are theprophetic typology equivalent of the 1260 Day Great Tribulation timeframe, which is whyits so important to understand we expect to witness a Red Sea typology scenario in thespring of 2025, as the confirming prophetic sign the Great Tribulation has officially begun.For more details see prior 40 years article > https://www.fivedoves.com/letters/mar2022/stevew313.htmAnd see Pearl Harbor article > https://www.fivedoves.com/letters/mar2024/stevew324.htm < And priorParis Olympics article adds context as well > Chariots of Fire+Paris Olympics+Trump Reagan parallels+JD Vance sync to Great Trib 4/19/2025 to 9/30/2028 <Prophetic Sign Saturn Jupiter Grand Conjunction of 12/21/2020.Lo and Behold... Start Yr 9/30 End Yr!.........274 days....!........92 days..........!Matthew is book 40,28 chapters ^^^^^^ Matthew ^^^book 40,28 chapters2840 ^^^^^^ beginning to end ^^^ 4028vs number ^^^^^^ syncs to ^^^ vs numberof Bible ^^^^^^ 9/30/2028 ^^^ of BibleProphetic Sign Leviticus 5:9 ^^^^^^ NUMBERS 7:85 ^^^ Numbers 11:3in the Heavens !......4 X 274 vs to...........!.....................92 vs.........!Saturn Every 4 years is a leap day year just like >>>>>> 2028Jupiter ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Grand Conjunction ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^12/21/2020 Matthew >>>>>>>>>> 9/30/2028!................................2840 days..................................! prophetic phraseGreat GreatExodus 12:18 Exodus 14:21 NUMBERS 7:85.GOD parting the Red Sea, Tribulation Tribulationis the prophetic typology event in txt of vs in txt of vssynced to Start of Great Tribulation REV 2:22 REV 7:14NISAN 21 the date in history !..............85 vs........!NISAN 21 is in GOD parts the Red Sea, This is the only Bible chapterthe text of recorded in text here with a vs # 85 in it.!....................4X19 vs...!.......2025 vs to..................!The date 4/19/2025 is NISAN 21 on the ^^^^^^^^^^Jewish Calendar in this year, Start of the Great Tribulation !!Nineveh, Indiana - Wikipedia ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Verse # 3936 of Bible is NUMBERS 7:85.Nineveh IN is on the 39.36 latitude line. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ exactly 20280 vs to Sun , Moon^^^^^^^^^^^ Book of Matthew and Earth^^^^^^^^^^^ beginning to end in text of vs all 3Nineveh syncs to required to form ais in the text of 9/30/2028 Solar EclipseJonah 4:11 ^^^ Matthew 28:20^^^ LUKE 21:25!.........................1636 vs to............................!..............1636 vs to......!Prophetic Sign ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Prophetic SignSolar Eclipse ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Solar Eclipsepassed over prophetic ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ passed overJonah TX + parallel ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Jonah TX +Nineveh IN on ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Nineveh IN on4/8/2024 ^^^^^^^^ 9/30/2028 ^^^^^ 4/8/2024!...........................1636 days............................!..............1636 days.......!more about chart in prior articles> Jonah+NINEVEH IN Prophecy+4/8/2024 Eclipse sync to Great Tribulation 4/19/2025 to 9/30/2028<Tom Cruise - Wikipedia
Its also very prophetically significant Tom Cruise was chosen for the closing ceremony ofthe Paris Olympics on 8/11/2024, to carry the Olympic flag from Paris to the coming
"therefore behold, the days are coming,” says the Lord,“that this place shall no more be called Tophetor the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, but the Valley of Slaughter."JEREMIAH 19:6 ^^^^^^^^^^JEREMIAH is 24th book of Bible. Slaughter inTom Cruise ^^^^^^^^^^ Strong's concordancewas born on ^^^^^^^^^^ is number 2028 !!7/3/1962 ^^^^^^^^^^ 9/30/2028!...................................exactly 24196 days to............................!In the Closing Ceremony ^^^^^^^^^^ Stage 3Tom Cruise carried the ^^^^^^^^^^ Fall of BabylonOlympic Flag from Paris to ^^^^^^^^^^ Prophecy encoded in BibleLos Angeles for the ^^^^^^^^^^ here for execution on END DATE2028 Olympic Games ^^^^^^^^^^ Great Tribulationon 8/11/2024 ^^^^^^^^^^^ 9/30/2028!..................1511 days.................................................................!From JEREMIAH 15:11 >><< JEREMIAH 19:6 is vs # 19414 of Bible.!..9+30+20+28 vs to..! In math 19414 the sum of itsProperties of the number 19414 divisors is 30888.REVELATION 11:15 is vs # 30888 of Biblewhere the 7th Angel sounds the7th and Last TrumpetIn standard gematria > Valley of Slaughter = 1973 < ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^prophetic phrase in JEREMIAH 19:6 ^^^^^^^ Properties of the number 1971973 is the 298th Prime # synchronizingwith verse # 298 book of Revelation 18:2where the prophetic phrase Babylon is Fallen is Fallen isseen for the 3rd and last time, prophetic for Stage 3 Fall of Babylon coming 9/30/2028 !!!............................................................................................................................................................See prior Chariots of Fire Paris Olympics article for more details >..........................................................................................................................................................Lo and Behold..."I will strike the inhabitants of this city,# 2028 both man and beast; they"Valley of Slaughter" shall die of a great pestilence."JEREMIAH 24th Bible book. JEREMIAH 24th Bible bookJEREMIAH 19:6 is vs # JEREMIAH 21:6 is vs #!..................33 vs to.....................................................! ^^^^^The 33rd Olympics Games Vs # 24216 of Bible isParis closing ceremony was capped off Matthew 28:20 last vs of book.by Tom Cruise taking the Matthew begins 930 chapter of BIble.Olympic Flag to Los Angeles for ends chapter 957+vs 1071=2028 .the 2028 Olympic Games. "Lo, I will be with you alwaysFrom birthdate Tom's age will Even to the End of the Age".be exactly 24196 days on >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 9/30/2028.^^^^^^ Matthew book 40 of Bible.United States won the the 33rd Olympic Paris Games with 40 Gold medals.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................On a related prophetic note on 8/11/2024 same day as the 33rd Paris Olympic Games closing ceremony, John Tng Five Doves host posted an intriguing article featuring a dream from 1988 byLISA LEENIE > Two Angel Encounters Pointing to the 9th of Av < On the same day our article involvingprophetic syncs with the Donnie Darko movie was posted right beside John Tng's article >
And the Donnie Darko movie takes place in the timeframe of 10/2/1988 to 10/30/1988 !!
So here are the extraordinary prophetic syncs these two articles bring to light when combined.
In LISA LEENIE's dream the prophetic number givento her by an Angel is 11192^^^^^^^John Tng's article also features the ^^^^^^^^ In John Tng's articlenow famous $2.34 Angel encounter ^^^^^^^ propheticVINCENT TAN had on ^^^^^^^ sync date12/23/1993 ^^^^^^^ 8/13/2024!...inclusive count its exactly 11192 days to.........!John Tng makes the case its likely the ^^^^^^^^ !same Angel, possibly Gabriel , in ^^^^^^^^ !VINCENT TAN's encounter, that ^^^^^^^^LISA LEENIE encountered in her ^^^^^^^^ !dream and gave her the number 11192 !! !^^^^^^^ !From America's founding !7/4/1776 7/4/2024 8/13/2024!...................exactly 248 years..!...........40 days....!^^^^^ ^^^^^ On a calendar from the date^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 9/30 its 92 days to end of yr.The number 24840 = = = = = = = = 9x30x 92^^^^^^^ 40th book of Bible Matthew as seen aboveThis is 1st Chronicles 29:27 vs # 11192 of Bible ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Notice the timelysynced with LISA LEENIE's number 11192 !! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ prophetic parallel"And the period that he (David) reigned over Israel was 40 years; << 40 Gold medals USA7 years he reigned in Hebron, and 33 years he reigned in Jerusalem." << in 33rd Olympic Games.1st Chronicles 29:27 A=1,B=2 etc > David = 40 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^And seeing how LISA LEENIE's number 11192, syncs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^with King David in the Bible, here is what we documented in the Donnie Darko article................................................................................................................................................................................................From 10/2/1988 the movie Donnie Darko ends ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^> 28 Days 6 Hours 42 minutes 12 seconds ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^later with Donnie Darko back in his room. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^But this time a PLANE CRASHES into his room ^^^^END DATE^^^^killing him. This event reverts the alternate tangent Greatuniverse back into the normal universe on Tribulation10/30/1988 9/30/2028!.......................exactly 39yrs 11 months.........................!In prophetic sync the 3 Stage Fall of Babylon Prophecythat began on 9/11/2001 will be ending 9/30/20281st Samuel 12:13 first vs in Bible with a 3911 gematria ct. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^“Now therefore, here is the King whom you have chosen andwhom you have desired. And take note, the Lord has set a King over you".1st Samuel 12:13 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^1st Samuel 12 is chapter 248 of Bible. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^America turned age 248 yrs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^age as a nation on 7/4/2024 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^1st Samuel 12:13 is vs # 7474 of Bible. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^A=1,B=2 etc > GENESIS 47:4 is vs # 1425 of Bible. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^> Twenty Eight Days Six Hours >>>>> ^^^^^^^^ >>>> ^^^^^^ > "The World will End"> Forty Two minutes Twelve seconds = 747 !! ^^^^^^ "Lo, I am with you always,^^^^ ^^^^^^ even to the End of the Age".Donald Trump could be elected 47th ^^^^^^ Matthew 28:20President of USA becoming 7th King of the Seven Kingson 11/5/2024 of Revelation 17:10 9/30/2028.!...........................1425 days to............................................! ^^^^^^In the Bible GENESIS 47:4 is vs # 1425 of Bible. ^^^^^^Notice from 2024 its 4 years to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2028.
...................................................................................................................^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^1st Samuel 16 is chapter 252 of Bible. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^America from its founding 7/4/1776 will turn age 252 years on >>> 7/4/2028.1st Samuel 16:12-13 is where GOD chooses a New King David,which is a prophetic typology story of GOD choosing King Jesus,for his coming millennial reign here on earth beginning 2028................................................................................................................................................In addition her very name Lisa Leenie has some significant prophetically synchronizing numbers.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ See our full PSALM 122:2 article^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ > Psalm 122:2+Strong's Concordance Words to Numbers sync to Jesus 2nd Coming 2028 <In Standard gematria > Lisa Leenie = = = = = = = = 122x2^^^^^^^^This reveals a perfect sync in the Bible with PSALM 122:2 which is thelast verse in the Bible with a 2028 gematria ct.From PSALM 65:9 vs 930 of PSALMS its 1222 verses^^^^^^^^^ to PSALM 122:2.In Lisa Leenie's dream, in regards to ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^the number 11192 she is given, the Angel ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^also tells her "These numbers are a date.". ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^So one possible combo as an actual ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^date is 1/11/92, which then ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^synchronizes the following way. Lisa's number 11192^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A=1,B=2 etc > Slaughter = 111Lisa Leenie's A=1,B=2 etc > Great Tribulation = 192dream number ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^11192 ^^^END DATE^^^"These numbers are a date.". Great Tribulation1/11/92, 9/30/2028.!...............exactly 13412 days to.............................!^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^13412 = 28 X 479 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Quite incredibly this reveals an exact ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^perfect sync with the KEY dates in ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^the Donnie Darko movie !! ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^!!!OMG!!!^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^10/2/1988 ^^^^^ 10/30/1988 ^^^^^ 9/30/2028.!................................28 days....!......exactly 479 months........!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^From the Donnie Darko movie ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"The World Will End" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"28 days 6 hrs 42 min 12 secs" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^588 X 144 = 28 X 6 X 42 X 12 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^A=1,B=2 etc > 588 = Jesus Christ Second Coming Two Thousand Twenty Eight^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^A=1,B=2 etc > 588 = First Day Second Day Third Day Fourth Day Fifth Day Sixth Day144 hours is 6 days. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^From ADAM GOD completes his 6 day 6000 year master plan in 2028 .................................................................................................................................................The odds are impossible to calculate how astronomically unlikely it is these two articlesabout Lisa Leenie's dream from 1988 and the Donnie Darko movie 1988
would get posted on the same date 8/11/2024 right beside each other at the Five Doves site !!!!And then when combined bring to light all these prophetic revelations !!!!........................................................................................................................................GOD BLESS....comments welcome to Stephen Wilkins....> wilkste@aol.com <.......................................................................................................................................