Nansings (18 Aug 2024)
"Excitement in the Air - Can You Feel It?"

  • The signs of our times were only possible to understand since May 1948 with the rebirth of Israel.  After June 11, 1967, when the Israeli forces captured the City of Jerusalem in the six-day war, God’s prophetic time clock started ticking loudly.

  • The nation of Israel is the timepiece, or the point of reference God has given us for discerning the times of the season we live in.  We are living in the *end times (*end of the Age of Grace that extended God's salvation from the Jews to the Gentiles) because what is happening now could not have happened in any other generation.
  • Signs unique to our generation are converging for the very first time ever.  God’s plan is moving closer and closer to completion.  The prophesied seven years Great Tribulation is about to begin.

    Heads up!  If Rev. Morelios from Mexico is correct, who claims he had a dream on
September 10, 2023, in which the Lord told him, "Within a year I am coming for My Church!  Tell everyone to prepare!" then we may have just a month or less left.
    If Diane heard from God correctly in 2005 -- that when Jesus comes for us in the Rapture it will have to be before Rosh HaShanah because after that it is all about the Jewish people -- then we may only have until October 2nd this year.
    The same would be true of the Christian who claimed in a video that God told him last November 2023 the year 2024 is a dividing line -- that he won't see 2025 (Rapture implied).
    The UN's Declaration for 2025 is:  "The International Year of Peace & Safety."  The Bible says in I Thessalonians 5:3, "While they are saying, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction will come upon them like labor pains upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape."  Without even knowing it, they appear to be fulfilling Biblical prophecy by announcing the start of the coming Great Tribulation in 2025 with that Declaration.  That's enough to send chills down a person's spine who isn't to be "caught up" in the Rapture.
    The Bible says in 1 John 1:41 that we are to "try the spirits" to see if they are of God.  If what they say comes to pass, we will know it was of God.  We are heart-poundingly close and fast approaching that final test.  As the picture above says, "The closer the Rapture gets, the worse things get and the sooner we go home."

Heads up!  If Rev. Morelios from Mexico is correct, who claims he had a dream on
September 10, 2023, in which the Lord told him, "Within a year I am coming for My Church!  Tell everyone to prepare!" then we may have just a month or less left.
    If Diane heard from God correctly in 2005 -- that when Jesus comes for us in the Rapture it will have to be before Rosh HaShanah because after that it is all about the Jewish people -- then we may only have until October 2nd this year.
    The same would be true of the Christian who claimed in a video that God told him last November 2023 the year 2024 is a dividing line -- that he won't see 2025 (Rapture implied).
    The UN's Declaration for 2025 is:  "The International Year of Peace & Safety."  The Bible says in I Thessalonians 5:3, "While they are saying, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction will come upon them like labor pains upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape."  Without even knowing it, they appear to be fulfilling Biblical prophecy by announcing the start of the coming Great Tribulation in 2025 with that Declaration.  That's enough to send chills down a person's spine who isn't to be "caught up" in the Rapture.
    The Bible says in 1 John 1:41 that we are to "try the spirits" to see if they are of God.  If what they say comes to pass, we will know it was of God.  We are heart-poundingly close and fast approaching that final test.  As the picture above says, "The closer the Rapture gets, the worse things get and the sooner we go home."