Hello Luis, John and Doves,
Luis sent a very interesting letter last week -
FEAST OF NEW OIL - A Time of Anointing
Luis pointed out that "the Feast of the New Oil is the most overlooked of the 3 First-Fruit Feasts."IF the Feast of New Wine is Pentecost AND that was fulfilled by the Holy Spirit. (I had written a letter to Doves a few weeks ago where I considered Jesus Himself fulfilling each of the Lord's Feasts....thinking that Jesus Himself still needed to fulfill the Feast of New Wine - however, rethinking this, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit in His place on Pentecost. So that would mean, Jesus already fulfilled that Feast of the Lord.?So, the next one to be fulfilled by Jesus Himself would be the Feast of the New Oil.It's interesting that the Feast of the New Oil is 'so neglected', as Luis points out. And he "noted that every Feast of YHVH has a prophetic theme and it was a 'rehearsal' (moed) until all of them are to be fulfilled by Jesus. The point is that the Feast of the First Fruits of the New Oil is no different. So, there then is one's logic for how this 3rd First-Fruit Feast of the triad, which is the most overlooked, could be promising as to the possible Rapture's timing."Luis continued with, "the Feast of the New Oil has been deliberately 'hidden', just like the Rapture, no? It is not even considered by the Jews of the Church tradition in any way one is aware of. So, to this end, one is highlighting the Feast of New Oil then."Luis listed the three first-fruit feasts:1) Feast of Firstfruit of the New Wheat/Feast of Wheat/Feast of Weeks/Shavuot 1- corresponds to Jesus Ascension.2) Feast of Firstfruits of the New Wine/Shavuot 2 - corresponds to Acts 2 - the arrival of the Holy Spirit. start of the Church Age3) Feast of Firstfruits of the New Oil/Shavuot 3:: corresponds to possibly the Rapture and end of the Church Age.So when is the Feast of the New Oil?Luis has noted the date of September 11, 2024. (He commented that some believe Jesus was born on September 11, -3BC. July 23, Feast of New Wine, plus 50 days = September 11. (Think 9/11.)If I use my date (and Dr. Awe's date) August 13, Feast of New Wine, plus 50 days = October 2, 2024.October 2 is 29 Elul - the Eve of Rosh Hashanah. On the chabad calendar.The Essenes have 22 Elul as Firstfruits of New Oil. September 8.
Essene Calendar
The Oil Festival is on 22 Elul:
The Three Shavuot Festivals of Qumran: Wheat, Wine, and Oil - TheTorah.com
On the chabad calendar, 22 Elul is September 25.Remember the sighting of the new moon for the new month. That may affect 22 Elul.As Luis pointed out - there are three Firstfruits days.The Lord required a tithe on grain, wine and oil. "Numbers 18 specifically references grain, wine and oil as required gifts to the priest; "All the best of the new oil and all the best of the new wine and grain - the choice parts that they present to YHWY - I give to you." Num 18:12And Deuteronomy 14 "mentions these three products." "You shall surely tithe all the produce of your sowing which the field brings forth each year....the tithe of your grain, your wine, and your oil..." Deut 14:22"The Essene calendar, laid out in a number of Qumran texts...notes three bikkurim (or first produce) festivals, for wheat, wine and oil, respectively.""A part of the Essene agenda was the correct interpretation of scripture...the Temple Scroll rewrote the holiday calendar to harmonize Leviticus and Deuteronomy and to lay out its understanding of the "county fifty days till the bikkurim" passage. Remarkable, it understood this as a command that needed to be fulfilled three times, one for each of the three main agricultural products."
The Three Shavuot Festivals of Qumran: Wheat, Wine, and Oil - TheTorah.com
The first 50 day cycle is for Shavuot (Feast of Firstfruits/Wheat), the second 50 day cycle for the Wine Festival, the third 50 day cycle is for the Oil Festival.The Firstfruits Resurrections:Do these firstfruits festivals have anything to do with what Paul told us?1 Corinthians 15:20-23: "But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since by man came death, by man also came the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. But every man in his own order. Christ the firstfruits, afterward they that are Christ's at His coming."When Paul used "order" he was referring to the Jewish festival cycle. There are three bikkurim's (firstfruits of the produce) - grain, wine, oil.Jesus was 'essentially' raptured on Feast of Firstfruits...will we be raptured on a future bikkurim/firstfruits?There are four Feast of Firstfruits counting Feast of Firstfruits (or Firstfruits of Barley) (fulfilled with Jesus' Resurrection), then Firstfruits of Wheat (fulfilled with Jesus' Ascension), then Firstfruits of Wine (fulfilled with the Holy Spirit arriving/start of the Church Age), then Firstfruits of Oil.(fulfilled by Jesus coming in the clouds/Rapture/end of the Church Age?).Could this mean, the Rapture will happen on a feast of firstfruits - possibly the Feast of New Oil? It would be next on the 'list' to be fulfilled by Jesus - Him coming in the clouds?I am agreeing with Luis on looking at the Feast of the New Oil as a possible Rapture date. Paul said there is an "order" to the resurrections - was he telling us our 'resurrection' will be on a firstfruits.......??Thank you for this letter, Luis!It's very interesting that New Wine and New Oil have been so 'hidden' in the Jewish religion. We know the Lord's feasts are 'appointed' days - prophetic days - that tell the the story of salvation and Jesus. These must have been 'obscured' for a reason - were these 'hidden' for Christ's Believers? New Wine for the start of the Church Age and New Oil for the end of the Church Age?(New Wine, as some of us believe, is our Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was given and the Church age started. That's a VERY important day for Christianity. Maybe New Oil will have a VERY significant meaning to Christianity also...like the Rapture - on some future date. Jesus fulfilling both days.)Just some more dates to be watching....The world is in a big mess - sigh. Hoping the Rapture is in our near future!Pray for the peace of Jerusalem~Maranatha~Chance