Steve Mullin (6 Aug 2023)
"Battles We've Been Facing Lately"

I've seen many Christian testimonies of going through very difficult things, and I'm hoping it's because of increased labor pains of the rapture happening by the end of September.

I am personally going through the worst period of time ever. I've always had major depression and since the fall of 2016, I've had to live out of my car in San Diego. Lately though, my tire, battery, radiator and hose, and alternator all failed so I haven't been able to work my jobs for Doordash, Uber Eats and Instacart. My car stalled at a light a few days ago and I had to put my car in neutral and coast down the hill in reverse to a hotel parking lot. It's dead and I've used my 3 tows within 6 months so I can't tow it anywhere. if the hotel manager comes out and says move your car or tows it I'd be out of options. The worst hotel room I can find is $166 night here. The only thing that seems plausible at least in the short term is selling my car to a cars for cash person who will just take it, buying a bus ticket to Vegas and staying in a hotel there for about 5 nights...getting a job there? It's so confusing when all of these things happen--I really can't take anymore. Would appreciate prayers. Thank you,

Steve M
Hang in there, Steve.
I sure hope it won't be long for everyone.
Take care.