Steve Mullin (6 Aug 2023)
"Trump and Israel"

It's increasingly more obvious that the left is desperate to convict Trump as the 2024 election approaches. Donald has mentioned polling at 99% in Israel with the Jews as opposed to around 30% in America. Donald also knows future events or at least in part as evidenced by his book talking about 9/11. Throughout his presidency, he always said things like "you'll see" and "a storm's coming" and weird comments like covfefe? What did that mean? Why was it glossed over? 

There was another odd comment that jumped out at me when I heard it--Speaking of Ivanka's husband Jared Kushner, Donald said, "BELIEVE ME, there's no one better to negotiate peace between Israel and Palestine than Jared." as if he knew something that no one else did.

Jared owns the 666 5th Ave building in NYC and his father was or is in jail for corruption (you shall know them by their fruits).

Steve M