I've watched and listened to this video many times. There are days when I feel like it's a scripted recording, but most of the time I feel like it would be hard to give such a detailed intense performance if not true. It's kind of terrifying if true--the demon describes the fall and being cast out of heaven by Jesus. I've always wondered
why the demons don't just go somewhere else or do something else. This kind of answered it for me. the spirit of God is love, kindness, mercy, long suffering, and everything else good. but if these demonic souls rebelled and God removed his Holy Spirit from them, then I believe it would align with what she says about "all of our minds just went evil."
She confirms what we all suspect about hell--that it's horrible and says it's sooo hot and bugs and things are crawling all over her when she is there.
Here is the clip. Let me know what u think.
Steve M