Steve Coerper (27 Aug 2023)
"No Room For Guilt"

Dear John and Doves -

I'm confident a lot of folks in this community have high expectations for the next few weeks, with the first three days of Tishri being "high watch" and expectation for the rapture.  That is certainly my hope and expectation.

But with that comes the painful awareness of those in our families, many friends, acquaintances, neighbors, co-workers and the like who still don't get it and don't even want to hear about it.  These are people you have loved and earnestly prayed for ... for YEARS. If you DON'T have close loved ones who fit that description, you are truly blessed.

For the rest of us, there's always that nagging feeling that it's somehow our fault that these folks are not believers.  And perhaps we second-guess things:  If only I would have explained the gospel better.  If only I had lived a cleaner and more Christian life.  If only I'd been more patient.  If only I'd prayed more ... or harder.

If only .... if only

Well, it's not your fault or mine.  People who say 'no' to God do so because they aren't interested in a relationship with Him.  Period.  This isn't sales, persuasion or a debate.  It's an invitation to be reconciled.  The Holy Spirit draws those who want the relationship.  No one has to be "talked into" or "persuaded about" anything. 

So none of us need to self-flagellate because we didn't try harder.  ALL we can do is be available.  There is no place for guilt.  God Himself calls, and we knew from the first time we read Matthew 7:13 that there would be more who rejected Christ than those who loved and received Him.  It was that way when He came 2,000 years ago, and it's been that way ever since.  Some are religious rejectors, some are raging atheists, some just try to be "good people" and many are just plain indifferent.  But it's between them and God, and neither God nor any lost sinner will EVER be able to pin ANY fault on you.

So abandon any guilt you may have.  We're going to see the King.

