Neil Lipken (6 Aug 2023)
"Very strong evidence for the Rapture to possibly occur this fall!"

This is a 16:32 minute video that I believe is very, very much worth your time!   Please try to watch it!   This September the U.N. is promoting a "7 year rescue plan" amidst also promoting "peace and safety" for the nations.  Israel is now over 75 years old, and from the "parable of the fig tree" in Scripture, the "generation" to see Israel return as a nation (1948) will see all end time events come to pass!

Ahead of us is the Rapture, followed by the 7 year Tribulation, culminating with the Second Coming of Israel's long rejected Messiah, Who is Christ.   So right now we are at a minimum of 82 years from 1948 to the Second Coming------- remember "this generation shall not pass" without all end time events coming to pass!   I cannot stress this enough!

Again I believe this reasonably short video is well worth your time!  The gentleman in the video does an excellent job of presenting the appropriate material!   The hour is very late in these End Times, and make no mistake about it, the Rapture will most definitely eventually occur!   I personally believe that the time now to the Rapture is very short!

As usual, any thoughts you might have about all of this I welcome.   You may email me.  Also, any dreams or visions that any of you might have had are also welcome!   End time dreams and visions are scriptural, too much to go into here.


P.S.   You certainly have my permission to send this email to any family or friends that you wish!

P.P.S.   I personally cannot think of anything more exciting or more desired than the Rapture!   We live in a fallen world with many trials, and all of that ends when we begin our eternity in resurrection bodies with Christ, Israel's Messiah and Savior of all those in the world who turn to Him!   There simply ain't nothing better!