Neil Lipken (27 Aug 2023)
"Are the slobs in charge going to bring back masks?"

As a retired dentist and orthodontist, I know a lot about masks!   A paper mask stopping a virus is like a chain link fence stopping a mosquito!   Paper masks are pure nonsense, and viruses easily go in through the eyes too!   Actually the "mask issue" is all about CONTROL of the people!   That is what it boils down to!   Conditioning people to exert control over them.  The coming "mark of the beast" after the Rapture will be demanded in order to buy and sell.   Ultimately anyone refusing will be put to death------- just go read the Book of Revelation!


P.S.   I never wore a mask during that time.   In the grocery store I was always asked to put on a mask, but I refused each time.   Well, they didn't throw me out of the grocery store.  LOL!

P.P.S.   If we are not Raptured out of here and they start the mask nonsense again, I will again refuse to ever wear one!

P.P.P.S.   Yes, when we would treat orthodontic patients, I always wore a mask, but it was NOT to stop viruses.   It was the polite thing to do because my face was very close to the patient's face and mouth.