Neil Lipken (27 Aug 2023)
"See you in September in the Rapture? Maybe!"

Based on everything going on in the world, and the lateness of the hour (Israel is now more than 75 years old), and Rosh Hashanah (the Feast of Trumpets) being a likely time for the Rapture, this song is most appropriate!   Perhaps we will all see one another in the Air in September!

P.S.   For those of you receiving this email, if you do not have your "ticket" to the Rapture, it is still not too late!   You need to receive Israel's Messiah (Yeshua or Jesus) into your heart as your Lord and Savior to get your "ticket".   It is that simple!   And the benefits are "out of this world"!   Should you not want to do that, you will be here during the "7 year Tribulation", a terrifying time on the earth!   It's up to you as you have free will, but choose wisely!   

P.P.S.   Recently the U.S. Congress had hearings on "UFO's and alien beings".   Their conclustion?   That these things are real.   If you have not yet figured this out, this will be the FALSE explanation for the Rapture, and many will be deceived who are on earth after the Rapture!