Neil Lipken (13 Aug 2023)
"The World Bank favors sodomy and the LBGTQ agenda!"

Late in these End Times the world is running amuck, with evil pervasive!   The Rapture draws near!

End time events are now coming at us fast and furious!   Israel is now more than 75 years old, and from the "parable of the fig tree" in the Bible, the "generation" to see Israel's return as a nation will see all end time events come to pass!   Ahead lies the Rapture, the subsequent 7 year Tribulation Period, and finally the Second Coming of Israel's long rejected Messiah, Who is Christ!
Does everyone have their "ticket" to the Rapture?   Those left on earth after the Rapture are going to face the most terrifying time in all of human history!

Is everyone still watching the Russia / Ukraine war?   The European Union and the U.S. are sending military equipment to Ukraine that is being used to kill Russians.   At some point this could easily get out of hand and lead to a larger war.   Remember that the Rapture is associated with an event of "sudden destruction".   Might this "sudden destruction" come to be known as World War III?