MTW (27 Aug 2023)
"Real Raw News-> White hat military reports"

Real Raw News | Science, Politics, Conspiracy, Trump  These reports come from JAG, Special forces, Mar-a-lago and Marines to Michael Baxter who publishes what is going on behind the scenes.
 To prevent deep state lawsuits, the site carries a "Parody" disclaimer, but it is not parody. Mr. Baxter is a Christian and patriot, in contact with the DJT team.

 Recent posts show the planned Maui fires ( schools closed the day of the fires / water shut off/ power shut off/  FEMA, police and national guard keeping victims from fleeing, receiving aid and being shot. 
Then the Marines coming in to bring aid and taking down those gangsters.
  DJT signed the Insurrection Act as the result of the insurrection of election fraud in 2020, transferring power to military generals who are loyal to the Constitution.
 He is allowing the fake Biden to lead the defunct Corporation of the US (the United States was made into a corporation subservient to England after the Civil war bankrupted the US) to wake up the nation to the evils of the Left.
The fake Biden V/S the real biden (from my "Favorites" section on yt)-> Joe Biden Body Double - YouTube shows the obvious difference between the original biden and the actor playing the part (note- it was the actor who was in the "Debate" with Trump before the election).  We ARE watching a movie of sorts, but a real civil war is ongoing unknown to most.
The "Safe" plan of Trump to "come back" in 2024 may be cut short by the Rapture (in September?).
 For over a year there have been prophetic words of a greater Exodus ahead.
 Since the injection genocide by the WEF was world- wide, logic suggeset a world wide leaving of this current day "Egypt" and a Judgement of the WEF as we leave.