Luis Vega (6 Aug 2023)


Meaning of Soteriology

by Luis B. Vega   

‘All this is from GOD, who Reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the Ministry of Reconciliation: that God was Reconciling the World to Himself in Christ, not counting People’s Sins against them. And he has committed to us the Message of Reconciliation. We are therefore Christ’s Ambassadors, as though GOD were making His Appeal through us. We Implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be Reconciled to GOD. GOD made Him who had no Sin to be Sin for us, so that in Him we might become the Righteousness of GOD’. -2 Corinthians 18-21

The following is a Link to 1 of my Online Store Collections on, where one can find an Array of Merchandise. The Stores mainly deal with Political, Current Events, Issues, Topics or Biblically Themes and/or Titles. In this case, it is related to the Amazing Topic of how Jesus was YHVH’s Primary Ambassador to Adam’s Fallen Race. It was for the purpose of Displaying the Will of the Creator to Reconcile Humanity though Jesus, YHVH in the Flesh, etc.

And that Jesus’ Ministry of Reconciliation is Universal and open to anyone that likewise heeds the Call to become Ambassadors of this same Call to be Reconciled to GOD through Jesus. This Ministry of Reconciliation is centered on the Finished Work of Jesus performed at the Cross of Calvary. It was the Ultimate act of YHVH’s Love towards a Sinful, Hateful and Rejecting Humanity that YHVH chose not to count one’s Sins. Instead, Jesus, by Proxy took that Eternal Judgment, Eternal Separation to bestow and Reconstitute for Humanity an Eternal Love and Life.

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However, this Free Provision is based on Free Will and a Requirement on the part of every Human on Earth to want to come to Jesus for this Free Payment of what is owed to YHVH for infringing upon His Perfect Moral. Only Jesus, qualified and was willing to impart that. The Study of this Son of GOD, Savior, the Christ is called the Study of Soteriology. It comes from the Greek, Soter, meaning to Save. This Proclamation, by mere Initials was what became the Motif of the Early Christian Church. It took on a Fish Symbol in that the Acronym construed a Fish Motif called the Ichthys. For example, the 12 Apostles were Fishermen. Jesus Commissions His Followers to be ‘Fishers of Men’, etc. As to this Ministry of Reconciliation, like Jesus’ Time, it expired or His Commission was concluded. 

Thus, so too will that Commission of the Body that not only Individuals but the Corporate Body will 1 Day conclude it Royal Commission. And that Last Day is called the ‘Separation’ as in a Tour of Duty as one leaves the Military and returns to Civilian Life. It will be the Rapture Call to ‘Fall Back’ as in to Retreat all the Ambassadors, from all the Countries, Nations, Tribes and Languages that Jesus has been Working through this Body, the Church while on Earth. 

That Day is called the Blessed Hope, the Rapture of the Bride of Christ that will be summoned to the Clouds to be Extracted from off the Planet Earth. Why? As the Late Chuck Missler would often say, Ambassadors are called Home before a Nation Declares War. And Jesus is about to Declare war on the Inhabitants of the Earth for that 1 Hours as the Door of Escape is opened for His Ministers of Reconciliation. Time is Short. The Door will be closing. The Following are the links to the Free Poster.

Ministers of Reconciliation
Poster PDF Format

One can Download this Poster and Print any or have for Personal Reference and/or Study. One can take the PDF on a Thumb Drive, and if so desired, go to one’s local Printing Shop to print out a Copy based on desired Size, etc. 

However, the Request to have them Ordered for Purchased Online, like with Zazzle, out of Convenience, was also Requested. The Online Link to the Store, specific to this ‘Ministers of Reconciliation’ Poster is at the following Address.

Many of the Stores have a Poster made concerning the Topic at hand, where one can Download that for Free, from one’s Main Website under the ‘Posters’ Tab:

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