Luis Vega (6 Aug 2023)
"ARK OF THE COVENANT -Temple Mount Dimensions"



True Geometric Location at the Dome of the Tablets 


by Luis B. Vega  


‘And you shall put the Mercy Seat on the top of the Ark, and in the Ark you shall put the Testimony that I shall give you. There I will meet with you, and from above the Mercy Seat, from between the 2 Cherubim that are on the Ark of the Testimony, I will speak with you about all that I will give you in Commandment for the People of Israel’. -Exodus 25:21-22 


The purpose of this Illustration is to suggest that the entire Temple Mount Complex, is in itself a ‘Facsimile’ of the Ark of the Covenant Dimensions. Consider the following Correlations. The Dome of the Tablets corresponds to the 10 Commandments. The Jar of Manna to the Dome of the Rock. The Foundation Stone is round like that of the Manna and the Dome itself is like a ‘Jar’. The Staff or Aaron corresponds to the Orion 3 Belt Star Alignment.


Top View Overlay  

52 Inches Length
31 Inches Wide

1. Tablets
2. Jar of Manna
3. Almond Staff of Aaron 


Overlay with Phi Ratio Proportions
Earthly Temple Location

520 Yards Length
310 Yards wide 


1-3rd Temple              – Holy of Holies
2-Dome of the Rock   – Muslim Shrine
3- al Aksa Mosque      – Fountain

The above Comparison of the Ark of the Covenant to the Temple Mount Complex in Jerusalem, Israel is Evidence submitted that corroborates one’s Conjecture that the Dome of the Tablets corresponds to the actual True Location where the Ark once was placed on Earth, as it was and is in Heaven. And that after the Rapture Event, the AntiChrist False Jewish Messiah will sanction the building of the 3rd Temple.

Wherein, the Ark of the Covenant, that was discovered by Ron Wyatt under Jeremiah’s Grotto will be rolled out and place in the Holy of Holies. It will then set the Stage for the Mid-Point of the Tribulation to have the AntiChrist then break the Covenant that was ‘Confirmed’ and enter the Holy of Holies to sit on the Ark and proclaim Absolute Worship of the entire World. This is where the Mark of the Beast will be Mandated Worldwide to be taken into one’s Body as part of the New Biometric Matrix of one’s Identity to be able to Buy or Sell.
