Luis Vega (27 Aug 2023)
"RAPTURE WATCH - Heavenly Level Warning System"


Are You Rapture Ready? 


by Luis B. Vega     


‘For GOD has not destined us for Wrath, but to obtain Salvation through our LORD Jesus Christ’. -1 Thessalonians 5:9 


The following is a Link to a Free Download of a Poster, pertaining to the High Rapture Watch Alert System. It is from 1 of my Online Store Collections on, where one can find an Array of Merchandise related to this Topic and Artistic Rendition. The Stores mainly deal with Political, Current Events, Issues, Topics or Biblically Themes and/or Titles. In this case, it is related to the awareness of the different High Rapture Watch Warning Levels. 


     CONDITION                        DESCRIPTION                        READINESS 



Rapture Imminent 



Rapture is Next 



Rapture is Near 



Rapture Likely 



Rapture Maybe 



The topic of the Rapture is sadly a Divisive Argument, especially as it is approaching the End of the Church Age. There is a whole Spectrum of Opinions as to what it is and when it is to occur. There are the Pre-Tribulation Believers, the Mid-Tribulation Believers. Then there are the Pre-Wrath Rapture Believers and then those that believe in a Post Tribulation Rapture Scenario. Which is ‘Right’? In one’s Research, they all are ‘Right’. One has written an Article on how in fact, there are 7 ‘Raptures’ or Translations that occur in the Book of Revelation alone. See Link here below to look into that Notion.

The Purpose of the Raptures in Prophecy   

Others are opposed to the whole Rapture Doctrine and assert that it is a ‘Modern Invention’ of Darby in the 1800’s. One would rather assert that it was Darby that came to realize that, as the Church Age began its Last Chapters, the Notion of the Rapture was ‘Rediscovered’ or came into Focus, Prophetic Focus. Regardless, the Doctrine of the Rapture is solid and 1st introduced by the Apostle Paul to the Church. This is at least how it pertains to the Church Age.

The Idea or Concepts of a Rapture or Translation into Heaven of People is not ‘New’ but rather Ancient. The Old Testament is replete with accounts of Rapture Events. What is significant about such a Phenomena then, was that it only pertained to a Single Individual. You have the instances of Enoch, Elijah, and then the Apostle Philip with the occasion where he was ‘Translated’ to meet the Ethiopian reading the Book of Isaiah.

In the case of the Church Age, the Rapture Event will Translate a Whole Body of People. In this specific case, the very Bride of Christ, extracted from Planet Earth. The 1st introduction to the Rapture of the Bride came when one read the Account in Paul’s Letters to the Thessalonians during College. One had to re-read the Passages several Times to realize what was being said and inferred. What? It sounds like a Sci-Fi Movie. If the Apostle Paul pinned down of what will happen on that Last Day of the present Church Age, it will be 1 of the most Miraculous and Amazing Events in Human History. 


What is rather sad, is that many who call themselves ‘Christians’ actively argue against such a Supernatural Phenomenon and actively Mock, Ridicule or Renounce the Doctrine as a ‘Made-Up’ Escapism Tactic to not hold the Church accountable to Preach, Teach or Outreach, etc. Nothing could be further from this Misconception and Grave Error. The Rapture Event will be the ‘Great Escape’ from Planet Earth. This part is True. In fact, it is no surprise that the Up-Take in UFO Phenomenon is going Hand-in-Hand with such Soft Disclosures because it will be the Excuse to explain-away the Rapture.

The Rapture is taught, that it is a Blessed Hope and to be used as an Encouragement, especially as one sees the Day approaching. Granted, those Early Christians of the 1st Centuries did not realize that the Rapture was yet nearly 2000 Years into the Future. It is not surprising that the Doctrine got buried in Time. But the Last Years of the Church Age are now here, mainly due to the Rebirth of Israel.

It has put the Church on Notice that the Rapture is on the Prophetic Horizon, as it were. Now, one can understand how some Believers within the Body of Christ rightly criticize those that seem to Prognosticate a Rapture Date on a Weekly Basis. One calls it ‘Rapture Roulette’. And some Believers get ‘Burned-Out’ and have ‘Rapturitis’. Fair enough but the Problem with that type of Believer is that they have their Energy, Focus and Expectation on a Personality telling them about the Rapture Date and/or on the Date itself. It has also been told that many Believers then come to ‘lose’ their ‘Faith’ in Jesus because of a failed Rapture Date.

How pathetic. If one’s Faith is not on Jesus and the Word, it is no wonder and justly deserving of a much-needed Theological Adjustment and/or Realignment. One is not against attempting to ascertain the Season of Jesus’ Return for His Bride. What Faithful Bride does not think and long for her Groom? One would agree that perhaps the specific Year, Month, Week and Day may not be known, but there are High Watch Times. And that is OK in one’s Assessment of when the Rapture will occur, as that will be the Last Day of the present Pentecostal Church Age. 


Rapture Watch Warning System
Poster PDF Format 


One can Download this Poster and Print any or have for Personal Reference and/or Study. One can take the PDF on a Thumb Drive and if so desired, go to one’s local Printing Shop to print out a Copy based on desired Size, etc.    


However, the Request to have them Ordered for Purchased Online, like with Zazzle out of Convenience was also Requested. The Online Link to the Store, specific to the ‘Rapture Alert Warning System’ Posters along with other Items of Interest at the following Address.  


Many of the Stores have a Poster made concerning the Topic at hand, where one can Download that for Free also from one’s Main Website under the ‘Posters’ Tab’.   


Your Support and Patronage is Greatly Appreciated, as you Help such an Independent Researcher, Citizen Journalist, Author, Writer and Graphic Artist as myself.

