Luis Vega (13 Aug 2023)
"GEOGLYPHS OF NAZCA - Of Aliens, Fallen Angels and Demons"


Of Aliens, Fallen Angels and Demons 

by Luis B. Vega    

The following is a Link to 1 of my Online Store Collections on, where one can find an Array of Merchandise. The Stores mainly deal with Political, Current Events, Issues, Topics or Biblically Themes and/or Titles. In this case, it is related to the Amazing Topic of the Nazca Lines of Peru. The Nazca Lines are a Group of Geoglyphs made in the Soil of the Nazca Desert in Southern Peru. They are believed to have been created between 500 BC and 500 AD. They are made, presumably by People but the Geoglyphs can only be viewed from the Air.

The Nazca Lines are made by making Depressions in the Desert Floor, removing Pebbles and leaving different-colored Dirt exposed. The Nazca Lines are typically 4–6 Inches deep or 10-15 CM. Some Nazca Lines are Designs of Animals and Plants. The width of the Lines varies considerably. According to Research, half are slightly more than 13 Inches or 33 CM wide. What is amazing is that the Nazca Lines run straight across entire Landscapes for Miles to include differing degrees of Elevation. The Nazca Figures vary in Complexity. Some display Patterns of Sacred Geometric Shapes. 

There are more than 70 Zoomorphic Designs. These include the famous Hummingbird, Spider, Fish, Condor, Heron, Monkey, Lizard, Cog, Cat, and an Alien. Yes, an Alien. As to their Purpose? In 1972, a Book titled, ‘Chariots Of The Gods’ by Erich Von Daniken popularized the Notion that perhaps the Lines serves as Runways that led-in Alien Spacecrafts. Others contend that perhaps the Nazca Designs are a Mirror of the Constellations of the Sky.

As the Alien Motif carved on an entire side of a Mountain, the ever-increasing Alien ‘Soft Disclosure’ is now running alongside in Tandem with actual real Alien Encounter, now commonly talked about on Mainstream Media. For example, there is that American Woman who stormed-out of an Airplane because to her astonishment, a ‘Person’ sitting next to her was, ‘Not Human’. Then you have the admission, in front of the U.S. Congress, that the Government has in its possession Alien Crafts and Biologics. 

Now you have 7-Foot Tall Aliens attacking Villagers, known as the Pela-Caras in Peru, or the Face Peelers. They are eerily described as being the same description, as the 7-Foot Tall Aliens of the Las Vegas Incident. A Craft or Entity was even recorded in the Body Camera of the Policemen that responded to the Call. This could be the actual Interpretation of what Daniel was shown would be prevalent in the Last Days, just like the Days of Noah. And what was that Condition? That the Seed of Men would be Mixed with Non-Human Entities, i.e., Iron mixed with Clay. 

Iron and Clay

The Alien Narrative will serve well to eventually explain-away the Biblical Rapture Event. Phil Schneider was right all along. Who is he? He was an Engineer that claimed worked for the U.S. Government Black Ops in an Underground Military Base in Dulce, New Mexico. He claims that the Government made ‘Deals’ with ‘Extraterrestrials’ to allow them to abduct Humans in exchange for Advanced Technology.

Phil Schneider Documentary about Grey Aliens, UFO's & Government  

The Video is of his September 1995 Preparedness Expo Presentation, in which he exposed the New World Order Agenda, and how it connects with ‘Extraterrestrials’. During this speech, he presented Physical Evidence of Alien Metals and Artifacts along with additional Photographs to validate his claims. Less than 6 Months after giving this Presentation, he was found Dead in his Apartment with a Piano Wire wrapped around his Neck. Most would classify that as a Military-Style Execution perpetrated by the Luciferians in control of the World Governments.

Of course, if one takes a Biblical Narrative, these Entities are not ‘Extraterrestrials’, but Extra-Dimensional Fallen Angels. The Demons are the Disembodied Spirits of the Nephilim, the Hybrids of the Fallen Angels and Human Women. And the ‘Grays’ are the Hybridization of Abducted Humans or ‘Biologics’. Why does it appear that Grays are being released now into the General Public? It is because the Rapture is Near. 

It is an effort acclimatize ‘Normal’ Humans to Transhumanism and when the ‘Alien’ Mother Ships do show-up after the Rapture Event. Then it is also to Fill-in-The Ranks to join the Army that Lucifer will need to help Invade Heaven with and Confront Jesus at His 2nd Coming. The Hybrid Humanoids are being released into the General Public because the Luciferians that rule the World seek to replace Humanity with them. Schneider stated in one of his many Public Disclosures of his own the following Plan.

‘The New World Order and the Alien Agenda are one and the same. It is the complete takeover of this Planet, killing-off 5/6 to 7/8 of the World’s Population by 2029’. 

Obviously, after the Rapture Event, the ‘Arrival’ of these ‘Alien Saviors’ would mean that a ‘One World Government’ would be embraced by the Scared Masses. It will put into place the End of any Constitutional Freedoms and Civil Liberties. That is the Plan. This will go Hand-in-Hand with the WHO taking over the Sovereignty of Nation in the Pretext of Pre-Planned Pandemics they initiate.

It will also be the cause for the need to Mandate Requirements to take their ‘Vaccines’. Watch, the next Plandemic with involve a Zombie Avian Type of Flu. This is how they are Culling Humanity presently as over 5 Billion People took their COVID-19 Death Shots. Now Millions have died of the Shot alone according to VEARS. The Powers-That-Be are on their way to having less than 500 Million in ‘Perpetual Balance with Nature’. This is what the Georgia Guide-Stones prescribed as the preeminent 10 Commandments of Lucifer for his ‘New Humanity’ on the other side of the Rapture.  


Poster PDF Format 

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However, the Request to have them Ordered for Purchased Online, like with Zazzle out of Convenience was also Requested. The Online Link to the Store, specific to the Geoglyphs of the Nazca Line Posters is at the following Address. 

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Main Sources

Geoglyphs 0f Nazca Peru.png