LaNell Benedict (6 Aug 2023)
"Day by Day"


Neil L.  :  Thanks for originally posting this video.  I have sent it to our prodigal son, our grandson, to a Christian group.  Played it for our other son who is saved.  As I told the Christian group on FB, these 20 year old's are now my age, in the 70's.  I am praying that these fine actors and singers are all saved.  We can all dance around God's throne with every one in Heaven, rejoicing in the Lamb of God and the Father and the Holy Spirit forevermore.  'The three prayers in Day by Day have impacted my life.  Thanks, Neil, for throwing that stone in the pond.  The ripples just keep going out.  John, I have watched 5 Doves since 2001 when I got a dial up computer.
Wow! Long-time dove you are, Benedict!