Kevin John (13 Aug 2023)
"Perseid Meteor Shower— A Tale of the Rapture"

        The  annual Perseid meteor shower will  be a spectacular sight at its peak  this  year due to the the absence of bright moonlight. The shower begins in mid July and lasts through August, but is at its peak on Sunday, August 13th. The Perseid meteor shower is so named because the meteorites appear to radiate from the head of Perseus. 

        The constellations of the Zodiac are believed to be an original revelation in the heavens of the birth, death, resurrection, and return of the Messiah. Over time, the Greeks, Egyptians, Persians, and Babylonians corrupted the original signs of the Zodiac by accommodating them to fit their myths.  Despite these reinterpretations, the original story of our Lord still shines forth. Three Christian scholars, E.W. Bullinger, Joseph A. Seiss, and the late D. James Kennedy, authored books detailing the story of the Gospel as revealed in the heavenly constellations. 

          Perseus is derived from the Greek word meaning “breaker” which is one of the names of Christ (Micah 2: 13). “We see a glorious Breaker taking place before His redeemed, breaking forth at their head, breaking down the heads of Leviathan and all his hosts. In his right hand He had His sore and great strong sword lifted up to smite and break down the enemy. He has wings on His feet, which tell us He is coming swiftly. In His left hand He carries the head of the enemy, whom He had slain.”— E.W. Bullinger

         Here’s where it  gets really interesting. D. James Kennedy writes  “Perseus on His way back [ from killing the enemy] saw the beautiful Andromeda, chained to the rock on the coastline near Joppa waiting to be devoured by Cetus, the sea monster. He succeeded in destroying the head, rescued the Church (Andromeda), from its slavery, broke the bonds, and set her free. He carried her up on high and married her amidst great celebration. Can this be anything else that a picture of Jesus Christ , the great redeemer,  one from heaven to redeem us, His bride?”

        It is noteworthy that, from our earthly perspective, the meteorites appear to originate from the mouth of Perseus, even as the Jesus smites His enemies with the sword that proceeds from His mouth.  Come Lord Jesus!  
        Kevin John