Gino (27 Aug 2023)
"RE: Steve Mullin: 08.20.23: Euphrates river dried up"

That is absolutely amazing about the condition of Euphrates, already.
I had also recently read about the current dire condition of the Euphrates in Syria, about a week, or two, ago.
An addition to, or changes of, the Turkish dams on the Euphrates, or any redirection, could completely cutoff the flow downstream.
Also, I agree with you, that there is a connection to Herod in Revelation 12.
The last part about Einstein was different.
I have read, where there was somewhat of an explanation of Einstein's views, regarding space, time, and light:
"According to the special theory of relativity introduced by Albert Einstein, it is impossible to say in an absolute sense that two distinct events occur at the same time if those events are separated in space."
Which would make the apparent timing of an event, relative to the spatial location and speed of the various observes of the event.
Einstein considered the created universe, both the visible and invisible.
However, Jesus completely transcends that, considering that he did the creating of everything visible and invisible.
Jesus said about himself, and time:

John 8:58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.

And that, I believe, has all to do with the omnipresence of the Almighty, whom Jesus is - omnipresent in both time and space.
Jesus said about himself, and space:

John 3:13 And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.

Jesus is the Almighty, Creator, and Saviour - and the Almighty is omnipresent:
omnipresent in time:
Jesus is in the present tense, 2000 years before the scribes and Pharisees that he was speaking to in John 8,
that in what is past tense to them, i.e. Abraham's time, he is currently there,
but he is in the present tense in the past, "before Abraham was" (past), "I am" (present tense for him, only)
omnipresent in space:
Jesus is currently speaking with Nicodemus in John 3, but is also in heaven, too, "the Son of man which is in heaven".
Jesus, who created all things, including all the scientific descriptions of physics and chemistry, relating to the universe,
is not bound by those things he created, i.e. he was able to walk on water, and also to stop the sun and moon, in Joshua's time.
