Gerry Almond (13 Aug 2023)

August 12, 2023


From the Feast of Trumpets, September 13, 1988 to the Feast of Trumpets, September 27, 2022 there are the sames number of days in the earthly life time of our Lord Jesus Christ. From that Feast of Trumpets in 2022 it was 280 days to July 4, 2023.  And from July 4, 2023, it will be another 280 days to April 8, 2024, the date of the second solar eclipse completing a giant X across the United States lower 48 states I have written of this before. This sequence cannot ever be repeated because in 1988, the Lord seemingly came for His Bride. There was great furor world wide in 1988 about His possible return, but, evidently, we simply were not ready. It is my conviction that Jesus did come as described in the Song of Songs, chapter 5.

I would like to add here what I think may be new.

At least two times in Scripture there is recorded war in heaven. The first is found in Daniel 10. Here it is said that when the Jewish captives were to be released in accordance with the prophet Jeremiah's scroll, and the prophet Daniel knew the time had come, the release didn't happen. Perplexed at the seeming failure of a prophecy, Daniel went to prayer and fasting. After a three week period of this, Daniel had a vision in which he was shown the reason for the delay in rescuing the captives of Babylon. The reason was war in heaven between Michael the archangel and the evil prince of Persia, an archangel of great strength. In an evil effort to stop the release, Satan commissioned his strongest archangel to this task. These two archangels battled it out, with Michael the winner. The war lasted three weeks or 21 days. It constituted a heavenly delay.

The second one is found to be in the future as recorded in Revelation 12. Here, again there is war in heaven in a futile attempt to prevent the casting down from heaven, Satan and his angels. I believe it will again last for 21 days. Again, Satan will lose.

I think there may be a third war in heaven, when the time comes for Israel to change from so called modern Israel, a western style democratic state, to a sort of dictator type state. I think this is necessary for her to turn back to her temple. I also think that war in heaven has occurred between July 4, 2023 and July 24, 2023, after which Israel's Knesset took power from the Supreme Court (Sanhedrin) and gave it to a dictatorship type government under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. That count is 21 days and this was enormous in its prospective effect on the nation.

The Sacred Feasts of Israel cover a period of 280 days each and every year. The textbook days in the gestation period of a human being is likewise 280 days. It is evident to me that God places a great value and emphasis on 280 days counts.

Counting 280 days more from July 24, 2023 lands 21 days after the April 8, 2024 solar eclipse of 2024 on April 29/30, 2023   Exactly 4.5 more periods of 280 days more (1,260 days) lands on October 11, 2027.  The extra days given by the angel messenger in Daniel 12:11 are 30 more days, which comes to November 11, 2027, and 45 more days, also in this same passage comes to December 25, 2027.  That will be the first day of the Feast of Hanukkah and December 31, 2027 will be the last day of Hanukkah that year.

What I am most interested in is to find is the timing of the great harvest of souls as the first day of it should be the same day as our rapture.  Because they are the church in the world, and are not ready for the rapture, the Laodicea Christians are nevertheless transformed, but will be left behind to aid in a great harvest of souls.

The season of harvesting is the Fall or Autumn. Very often the Lord waits to the very last minute to perform His mighty works. The very last day of the Fall season this year is December 20/21.  Using the possibility that He will take Laodicea after 4 months of soul harvesting, I counted back from there 120 days and arrived at August 23/24, 2023 as a possible rapture time for us.  As Jews count time it is on a Wednesday/Thursday.  In accordance with Brother Charles certainty that our rapture would be on a Thursday, this seems to fit the bill. It is my hope and also my expectation that our rapture will be in the year 2023.


Gerry Almond