Geoff L (6 Aug 2023)
"the MOB"


I think it's really important for us to differentiate between the tools that are being developed and ultimately implemented that will make the MOB possible, and the actual MOB.  Even 50 years ago, the various tools that currently exist and are under development would never have been something we thought would be available to usher in the MOB.  Even now, in and of themselves, the various tools (chip implants, etc) are not the MOB.  They will make the MOB possible, in that they will control peoples' ability to buy/sell; but the MOB requires that someone actually worship the Beast.  The whole purpose of the MOB is to deny God and worship the Beast.  Those who refuse to bow down to the Beast will not be given access to the various "tools"  that will supposedly make their lives easier.   And, those who do, will be swapping their eternal life for a very brief period of time where they can continue on with their status quo.  So, while we must, indeed, remain watchful and aware of the implications of the various technologies being developed and implemented, who we worship is what is truly most important.  Those who worship anyone/anything other than God will be doomed.  Period.  It's about worship.  It's about acknowledging God is the ONLY God.  He hammered that home over and over again in the Bible--have no other gods before Him; worship NOTHING and NOONE else.  As Christians, we have to keep our eye on our Lord and Savior.  Worship no other.  NO other.   For those of us who believe in the pre-trib rapture, we will be spared the MOB decision of whom we worship, but for those who are not (yet?) saved, it will be important to let them know that they should, under no circumstances, worship the Beast in order to be able to get basic necessities, etc.  That is the warning we need to communicate--do NOT worship the Beast, no matter what.  And, by refusing to worship the Beast, they will automatically not be given the MOB.