Fay (6 Aug 2023)
"Rumours of War. Poland sounding the Alarm"


Hi John and Doves,

The Polish PM is sounding the alarm about the Wagner Group's intention to destabilize Poland - using it's troop build-up in Belarus, on the border with Poland. The Biden administration is playing dumb. Either the USA administration is actually genuinely dumb (a distinct possibility) or they are playing a two-faced game with Europe. Is this all a pincer action between Russia and the USA to destroy Europe? I don't believe this is a stupid question. When we consider that the Nordstream pipeline destruction has brought energy and financial hardship to Europe, one does begin to wonder what game is being played. This entire war puts Europe in terrible danger.

I am also more and more convinced that Prighozin and his Wagner Group just may be 'the Little Horn'.

White House says it is not aware of any specific threat Wagner poses to NATO (msn.com)